WIP Tote List

Here is an honest list of what's ready to go. What might be screaming...STITCH ME at any moment. The rest of my stash is hiding in tubs being silent....for now.

Kitted and waiting in my overflowing WIP Tote:

Updated Feb 10, 2025

Starting 2025 with 60 WIPs
Marked off List: 5
Added to List: 5
Added: Spring Quaker, When I think of Spring, Mermaid, The Black Pearl, Lola Crow SAL
  1. 4 Seasons (Winter) - Erica Michaels
  2. Au Fil des Nichoirs "Along the Nesting Boxes" - Jardin Prive (New Year New Start)
  3. American Flag - Erin Elizabeth (New Market Release 2024 - Not Started) 
  4. Au Pays Des Gnomes "In the Land of the Gnomes" - Jardin Prive (Coming in 2025)
  5. Autumn Blessings - Waxing Moon
  6. Beer Dragon - Paine Free Crafts
  7. Best Friend Santa - MH Jim Shore
  8. Boba Fett - Valenti Cross Stitch
  9. Book Dragon - Paine Free Crafts
  10. Canine Quotes - The Scarlett House 
  11. Christmas Lantern - Mill Hill Kit (Started in Jan)
  12. Christmas Truck - Vervaco Kit
  13. Colorful Eagle - Kitty & Me Designs 
  14. Creepy Christmas Village - Lola Crow
  15. Dragon Biscornu - Tiny Modernist
  16. Dragon Eye - Eva's Designs
  17. Embers - Fire Wing Designs
  18. Enchanted Pumpkin - MH Kit 
  19. Evergreen Snowman - MH Jim Shore
  20. Extraordinary Birds SAL - Lola Crow (2025 Summer SAL Coming Soon)
  21. Forever in Peace - Sweet Wing Studio
  22. Gathering Acorns - Luminous Fiber Arts (Not Started)
  23. Gathering Clover - Luminous Fiber Arts (Not Started)
  24. Gathering Snowflakes - Luminous Fiber Arts (Not Started)
  25. Grow Together - HAED
  26. Halloween Chez Les Gnomes "Halloween Among the Gnomes" - Jardin Prive (Coming in 2025)
  27. Halloween Potions -- Les Petites Croix De Lucie
  28. Hanging with Santa - Janlynn Kit
  29. Happy Camper - MH Kit
  30. Heart & Compass - Erica Michaels
  31. Holiday Words - Ursula Michael
  32. It's a Mermaid Life - Tiny Modernist
  33. Lady Liberty - Keslyn's
  34. Let's Be Proud - Ursula Michael
  35. Let's Deck the Hall - Ursula Michael
  36. Let's Get Spooked - Ursula Michael
  37. Mason Jar Lineup - Dimensions Kit 
  38. Mermaid - Lina Ova 
  39. Mermaid Biscornu - Tiny Modernist
  40. Mother Nature: Winter - Just Cross Stitch Feb 2023 Issue (Started Dec 31st)
  41. Mushroom Gnome - Jim Shore Gnome
  42. Noel Chez Les Gnomes "Christmas Among the Gnomes" - Jardin Prive
  43. Paques Chez Les Gnomes "Easter Among the Gnomes" - Jardin Prive (Coming in 2025)
  44. Patriotic Gnome Littles - Waxing Moon Designs 
  45. Peppermint Purple 2025 SAL
  46. Rainbow Dragon - Paine Free Crafts
  47. Salt Water Taffy - Joan Elliott
  48. Simple Treasures - Dimensions Kit 
  49. Spring Quaker - Primrose Cottage (Starting after March 20th)
  50. Stitcher's Code SAL - Stitchingly SAL
  51. Summer Time - New York Dreamer (Coming in 2025) 
  52. The Black Pearl - The Witchy Stitcher
  53. The Mandalorian - Forbidden Fiber Co
  54. The Pirate - Cottage Garden Samplings
  55. Treasure Within Bookmark - Artiste (Not Started)
  56. Trust the Universe - The Snowflower Diaries (Coming in 2025)
  57. Unicorn Biscornu - Tiny Modernist
  58. When I think of Spring - PuntiniPuntini (Starting after March 20th)
  59. Woof Block Part - Hands on Design 
  60. Yggdrasil - Paine Free Crafts 


2025 Finishes:

  1. Luck of the Irish - Primrose Cottage Stitches (Finished Jan 14th)
  2. Winter 2024 SAL - Stitchonomy (Finished Jan 27th)
  3. Winter Quaker - Primrose Cottage (Finished Feb 2nd)  
  4. When I think of Winter - PuntiniPuntini (Finished Feb 9th)
  5. Irish Blessing - Herrschners Freebie (Finished Feb 14th)

I also have a tote of many many Mill Hills! Who knows when they will scream for attention. I am a start something when I want to kind of person.....as you can tell haha. Thanks for checking in here.

1 comment:

Habibi said...

Have fun..enjoy..