This is my Crescent Moon Dragon update finally. I finished page two and started page 3 already. Just in time for my update haha. There are still alot of beads to add on page 1 and 2 but I'll add them later. I'm afraid the QSnaps are too tight on them for a long extending period of time. I just love this piece and enjoy working on it very much. The colors are so bright and fun to work with.
Jeremiah got sick too after my last update. But we are all better now. My Grandma Faust also got put into the hospital. They think she has an infection in her foot and also a possible clot. They are trying to decide what to do. She could lose her toe in one scenario. It's so bad cause she has been doing so good really since Grandpa passed away. So please keep her in your thoughts/prayers that she is taking care of and gets back to herself soon. Today I'm playing with my DMC and trying to get it sorted. I have some here and there and everywhere. So I'm hoping after today they will be in one place ready to be used when I need them.
Crescent Moon looks awesome, Katie. Glad to hear everyone in your house is feeling better. Hope your Grandma gets better, too.
wow beautiful!!!
Wow love this dragon. Great progress.
Katie. I think I have it tuff with the psalm this is BEAUTIFUL.d
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