Jan 30, 2015

2nd Finish

I've noticed that you just can't get a good picture of a finished Mill Hill kit haha. Especially the white beads. Here is the best one of the many I took.

Forest Frosty
Mill Hill Kit H76 
From 1996 
This finishes my stitching goals for January. I started the CJC 15. Finished a Mill Hill Kit. I also made progress on Selkie.

The household problems still continue. The dish guy thought he fixed the problem but he didn't. So next week we will have to call again. We have a few things hubby is going to look at this weekend. The furnace guy has been here all day today. Finally found out the problem when they hooked up the new furnace they sit it to natural gas instead of propane. So he's been working the whole day to get the parts changed out and cleaned up. Next week the forecast is very cold so all we care about is that it works at the end of the day.  Hope everyone has a great weekend. I just might be forced to bring Selkie back out for a few days. I'm having a lazy weekend other than meal cooking. Fred has some things to do. We don't normally watch sports but we will Sunday for the Superbowl. I like watching it for the commercials haha. I tend to get caught up in the game and have fun watching it too. But I should at least have lots of stitching time.


Heather said...

Looks good! Hopefully they fix your furnace. I'm not big into sports either but I'm using the game as an excuse to have a party/game night at my place. Lots of drinks, food and fun will ensue! (And commericals lol have you seen the Budweiser puppy one yet? It's adorable)

gominam said...

Omg, you're a fast worker! Here's wishing you a better next week at home. Have a great stitching weekend too!

Linda said...

Congrats on the cute finish Katie. Hope the heater gets fixed.


Katy said...

Great job! And fingers crossed your house problems give you a break!

Maggee said...

Hope that he fixed your furnace! Not very observant, eh? (propane vs gas???) Nice little MH kit finish there! Hugs!

Lana said...

Love your little finish!!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

That's cute ! Enjoy !

Lumiruusu said...

What acute Snowman and so many pearsl stitched on it !

Katie said...

Thank you.

Katie said...

Thank you. Yeah it was full of beads. I enjoyed it.

Mii Stitch said...

Oooh, your snowman is already finished!! You're so fast :)
Hoping the gas got sorted on time for your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Furnaces are really tricky like that. They need to be properly installed and at the right ports, and connected properly to avoid leaks. So it must’ve been a relief that the repairman was able to quickly figure things out and fix the problem. Anyway, I hope that all your house issues were dealt with soon after. Cheers!

Randall Rogers @ R.J. Mechanical