Apr 22, 2015


We got home safe and sound yesterday. Even though the wind was trying really hard to keep us in Ohio. There was a wind advisory from 11am through 8pm. So just as predicted we hit really bad winds. But we arrived home at about 2:30pm. Izzy (my dog) was SO HAPPY to see us. She told me off for being gone so long that's for sure. Jeremiah jumped on his Xbox as soon as he could haha. Mom and me hurried and looked at our DVRs. Wow we have a lot of stuff to get watched!!!! I just need time haha. The wind was still horrible and then we saw some shingles down. Here is what we found this morning...
This sure isn't something you want to deal with right after getting home. But such is life right? We do have a paper from the previous owner about the warranty and it should be covered. The guy is coming to look at it Friday so we will find out more then.

Also just in case you guys thought I forgot this is supposed to be a stitching blog haha. Here is proof I actually stitched on vacation...
I always take stitching with me but never make time to work on it. This time I finally did. I started it April 4th after spotting dolphins off our balcony. They inspired me to work on it that's for sure. This is a freebie from Yiotas. I will tell more info about the details of what I'm using later. This is after 3 days of work so it's sure fast to work on. Now I'm off to do some laundry and pick up my stitching. At least I know I have lots and lots of TV to watch in the background haha.


Linda said...

Welcome home Katie. I have enjoyed reading about your travels.


gominam said...

Nice to hear you made it home safe. Good thing about the warranty. Yah, I missed your stitching as well, thanks for reminding it's a stitching blog, haha. Great job!

Tiffstitch said...

Glad you made it home safe and your dolphin looks great!

Rachel said...

I'm also glad you made it home safely, especially given the windy conditions. For a few days you've now got to sit, relax, catch up on your TV and do some stitching. Well done for doing a little bit during your holiday, but now we want to see LOTS! :)

Katie said...

Thank you Linda. It was a great time!

Katie said...

Thank you. LOL Yeah I will have to remember how to stitch now that I'm home haha.

Katie said...

Thank you very much.

Katie said...

Thank you. I agree. I want to do lots. Just need to make myself get off this computer.

Heather said...

Welcome home! That's a really cute design :) What game is Jeremiah playing? I've got Mario Galaxy 2 in my Wii U right now. I hope your roof gets done quickly!

Preeti said...

Welcome back! Your stitching is looking very nice:)

Meari said...

Welcome back, Katie. What a bummer about your roof. :( Stitching looks great on that fabric.

Mii Stitch said...

Glad you're all back home safe & sound! Sorry about the roof issue but let's hope it will get sorted with to much troubles.
Enjoy your TV catch up and stitching :) Love that cute little dolphin you've worked on. Have now added the chart to my huge to stitch list :D

Justine said...

Your dolphin is gorgeous! But now we all want to see the blue blob and the white blob again.
Glad to hear you got home safely and I hope you get that roof sorted soon.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Oh my goodness, it looks like your whole roof just peeled off!
Nice start on the dolphin.