Jun 24, 2024

Jun 24th Monday Update

 Today is a crappy day but let's recap what I stitched last week to make me smile.

Monday I worked on Winter SAL from Stitchonomy. It was for a challenge in Magazine Monthly Challenge group on Facebook called Stitchy Bug. Idea was to do 500 stitches on a pattern that we are putting off to get our stitching bug back. This particular piece I have been putting off because it's insanely hot and working on a winter piece just feels weird haha. I got 717 added...

Tuesday I did a random spin on Tiny Decisions and pulled out The Mandalorian to work on. Tuesday and Wednesday I added 1,467 stitches...

Thursday was the official first day of Summer. Boy our crazy high 90 degree days proved it. Anyway I started Summer Line Up by The Trilogy. Added 226 Thursday and 176 Friday morning...

The weekend was IHSW and I was so excited because we had no plans and I was planning on doing nothing but stitching. I pulled out Yggdrasil and was excited to make good progress. Life had other plans as always. 537 stitches all weekend...

There is a million color changes in that section. Which looks awesome but goes SLOW. Plus. Life.

Thursday morning I noticed one of the outdoor cats had blood all over her. She had given birth. She was miserable. I think she is just over a year old so too young. She had two more lumps in her belly. I went back out later and two tiny kittens were in the grass. She had no idea. So I grabbed them up and brought them over to her. She laid down and started licking them so I was keeping an eye on her on and off all day Friday. In the afternoon they were meowing and she was so confused. I felt around and I think because she was so young she wasn't producing milk. So I told Fred let's try to see if we can help. He stopped and got a bottle and some milk for kittens. Mamma cat was gone by the time Fred got here and never came back to find them again.

Friday night went great. They both ate a little. But I told Jeremiah and Fred everything I seen online said it's hard to keep them alive when that young. So I didn't take any pictures. I tried hard not to get attached. Saturday morning one of them passed away. It was hard but I expected it.

The other one I tried hard and seriously slept with it in my hand at night. Jeremiah laid with it on his lap all weekend to give it body heat. It passed away this morning very sadly. I cried so hard. No matter how hard I tried not to get attached.

While I was walking Spike this morning crying my dad called. Bev was supposed to get bloodwork today to see if she could get that round of chemo that had to put off. Her bloodwork is worse and she has a high fever. So she was admitted and they are doing tests to find out what's going on. Of course fears are what the results will be. Could be a viral infection or bad cancer update. 

So I feel really down overall. Cried hard most the morning. But I will be okay. I know it. Just ready for some good news instead of bad for a little bit. I think I will just shut off my computer and go get some good stitching time in. That's what I need. 

Love yourself. Smile. Hugs. Thanks for being my friends. I appreciate each one of you.


diamondc said...

Hi Katie: Wow you have been very busy stitching, that is a lot of color change on Yggdrasil, I like all the designs you are working on.
I hope all goes well for Bev, I hope all she has going on with the high temp is a little cold, keeping her in our daily Prayers we Pray for the ill three times a day.
So sorry about the baby kitties, it is not easy feeding them, they have to be fed so many times a day it is a full time job.


Erica said...

Oh! I am so sorry that you are going through this! Sometimes it seems like the bad news just keeps coming! I hope you will get some good news real soon!