Jan 27, 2025

Jan 27th Monday Update / WIPocalypse

 I was having fun stitching yesterday so missed the official WIPocalypse check in. Last Sunday of the month. So I will combine it with my normal Monday update.

Last week of Brringo in Monthly Magazine Challenge FB group. They just announced they are going to do another month long event in April I think. I'm so happy because I had so much fun with Brringo and Sept is too long to wait for when they do ABCingo. Anyway let's see what I worked on each day.

Monday prompt From a Magazine. I worked on Mother Nature: Winter. Added 213. She also worked for a pop up challenge in WIP Warriors. She was classified as my Fancy Lady. I needed 500 on her. 

Tuesday prompt Inspired by your Pet. First up added 287 more to Mother Nature. Then 307 on Canine Quotes by The Scarlett House.

Wednesday prompt You Would Take on Vacation. I love taking Mill Hill kits because you don't need to take a Q-Snap. So I worked on Christmas Lantern. I also got out the Peppermint Purple SAL to add Week 3 and 4. 107 on the lantern. 267 to the SAL.

Thursday prompt Part of a Series. When I think of Winter from Puntini Puntini came back out for 519.

Friday prompt Inspired by Zodiac. I am a Taurus and also an Earth element. So I used Yggdrasil because trees are definitely an earth item. I also used it for the WIP Warriors challenge for my Largest WIP. It definitely qualifies for that. My needles refused to make good progress which tends to happen with this WIP the first day I work on it. A lot of confetti stitching and it seems to take me awhile to adjust to the rhythm. So 110 added.

Saturday prompt Something Fantasy. Yggdrasil worked for it too because it's a lot of fantasy based theories. My needles were ready today...390 added so my 500 goal was met. I am also really happy because I added 900 to this beauty this month overall. If I ever want to finish it I need to work a lot more haha.

Sunday I picked up my Winter SAL from Stitchonomy because I'm close to finished with it. Added 647 on a lovely lazy day.

Fred had a radio event this weekend. It was winter field day in his amateur radio club. He broadcast right from our deck and had a great time. Started 11 Saturday until 5 Sunday. He ended up with 109 contacts from all over the US. So that meant a lot of stitching time for me which is always nice haha. Jeremiah gamed of course. He is finally cough free. About time!!

Okay WIPocalypse. I guess I forgot to do my intro even. Oh well you know me haha. I like to use this SAL as an excuse to keep track of my monthly progress. So let's enjoy a look back since last update which was Dec 29th. 

Peppermint Purple SAL -- 3 Days. I finished up the outline and go started on the weekly sections. I'm adding them every 2 weeks right now. So I'm up to date currently...

Creepy Christmas Village by Lola Crow -- 1 Day Still working on the Creepy Christmas Tree but close to finishing it up...

Mother Nature: Winter from Just Cross Stitch Magazine -- 4 Days into her now. I am so in love with her and the 40ct fabric again. She just looks so delicate and beautiful. I had to backstitch her face to admire her while stitching...

Along the Nesting Boxes by Jardin Prive -- 5 Days. Finished the January section. I will be adding 2 fence posts a month to this one and the pretties in the middle of course. So here is the January section...

Yggdrasil by Paine Free Crafts -- 4 Days Here is my current progress on this beauty before and after...

Heart & Compass by Erica Michaels -- 2 Days My favorite designer of course had to be worked on a little bit...

Winter SAL by Stitchonomy -- 2 Days So close to finished....maybe after I get done with my computer work...

Irish Blessing from Herrschners -- 1 Day This one is very close to finished too. Maybe in February? 

Mason Jar Lineup by Dimensions -- 2 Days Still just love this fabric. Finished the first two jars and moved to the 3rd flower...

The Mandalorian -- 1 Day Finished the words and moved to Mando...

Luck of the Irish by Primrose Cottage -- 1 Day My first 2025 finish

Christmas Lantern a Mill Hill Kit -- 2 Days on this new start...

Beer Dragon by Paine Free Crafts -- 1 Day to hit my 500 monthly goal...

Noel Chez Les Gnomes "Christmas Among the Gnomes" by Jardin Prive -- 1 Day...

Winter Quaker by Primrose Cottage -- 1 Day Got a quick start on this one for Brringo...

Grow Together by Heaven and Earth Designs -- 3 Days. This one also answers the WIPocalypse question. As of the WIPs in my Tote right now this is the oldest. I started it in Dec 2013. I unkitted it and put it away for years though. Now it's back out and in my WIP tote. I might have some older hidden away.

Canine Quotes by The Scarlett House -- 1 Day on this cutie...

When I think of Winter by Puntini Puntini -- 1 Day I want this one finished by March 1st so it will be out to play soon. This half is done...

So I've had fun and this and that haha. As always. Wonder what I will work on by the next time?! I've setup up my February challenges but there are always things that seem to scream loud for attention. I just have to pay attention to quiet them down. I hear some screaming now. Off to finish up my computer work.


Claudette497 said...

What a fun update - it's a nice variety of winter pieces and the daisies say that Spring is coming! Glad everyone's healthy!

Cathy said...

Great update! You got alot done in January. Remember the Heron? I bought that pattern from Stitch N Frame because of you. Not started yet.