Last hotel for the trip. We crashed at Corbin, Kentucky tonight. In a perfect world we would have made it farther but we are happy. Mom and I still have this lovely head cold. So she didn't want to go any further and I didn't blame her. We have 6 hours to go till home. The roads were spotless today. We even went around Atlanta and did okay. Not too bad traffic or anything. Sounds like we will definitely be hitting rain tomorrow. Hopefully just not ice and that junk.
We went to check into one hotel here at this exit and you know it's bad when you sniff and about fall over. So we went to eat dinner and noticed a much more nice hotel behind the dinner place so we moved hotels. I've only done that one other time in my life and we suffered through one night there before moving haha. So it had to be bad. The funny thing is this room is HUGE. I think we could literally host a football game in our extra space. Little tv though so I think they need to expand a few things to fill up space haha. Oh well they have internet. Traveling as much as we are lucky enough to makes you see a lot of different hotel rooms that's for sure. No ocean outside but my puppy dog is only 6 hours away. I can't wait to see her. I'll even be glad to see my devil dog haha. My next check in will be from HOME. Wohoo!
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