Oct 1, 2014

One Lovely Blog Award

I was given an award from Justine. She is a lovely stitcher I've been lucky enough to meet online and we follow each others blogs.

Thank you so much Justine. I appreciate it a lot.

Here are the details.
1. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Nominate bloggers you admire.
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know.

1) I am self taught how to cross stitch. I was walking in the craft store and noticed there were more counted cross stitch pieces than other crafts I did at the time. I saw a dragon and thought it would be fun and I've been hooked ever since!

2) I did model stitching for several years. It was fun until it became a job then I got out of it. I have to admit though it felt really really special to see a chart with my name on it in the store.

3) I love traveling with my family. We are so lucky to get to travel a lot and I'm so extremely thankful.

4) I collect dragons and fairies. I've always loved fantasy. I also love vampires and scary movies. I'm all around weird haha.

5) I started this blog in 2007 and really don't remember life without blogging. I've always loved technology and really enjoy being online and sharing my opinions and thoughts. I also do online surveys and have since I had the internet. Another way to share how I feel about things.

6) I try to smile all the time. The world we live in is scary and sad. I've decided to make my corner better by smiling and having fun no matter what others think. Jeremiah and me laugh and have fun like no one is watching and I'm so happy that he has learned to be this way too.

7) I've only had 2 jobs in my life. Before I had Jeremiah I had 2 different jobs. After having him he became the best job I could ever have. I devoted my life to being involved in everything he needed and I'm so thankful for every second. I was at every field trip. Every doctor appointment. Every meeting. When he was in the 3rd grade and we made the decision to home school him I knew it was the right thing to do and have never doubted it.

Thank you again Justine. Hope this has been interesting. I know I've enjoyed thinking of things to share with you all. I'm going to nominate Linda cause I've always loved following her blog. I can't find the other blogs I want to nominate. Some of my favorite haven't updated in awhile.


Mii Stitch said...

Congratulations Katie!!! It's lovely to know more about you :)

Preeti said...

Congrats! Nice to know more about you.

Maggee said...

Yay! Congrats!