Apr 17, 2015

Day 19

Last year was my first time ever at Discovery Cove. (This photo I found online shows just a little of how amazing this place is.) It was my first time ever swimming with dolphins. It was also a really stormy day. So we joked about how nice it would be to do it again if it wasn't storming. When we started planning our trip to Disney for this year Mom said Let's go back! I couldn't believe it. I was so excited to say the least. Today was that day. The forecast was the same as last year. Storms all day. 80% chance! But we crossed our fingers and said Please please please. We arrived at the park and it was foggy and not warm. We got our swim time for 9:35. Last time it was closer to noon. So I was a little hopeful it would be before the weather got bad. Then I had to hope the sun would make the fog go away otherwise it was going to be cold anyway. We had our breakfast and the sun came out bright and beautiful. Our swim time came and it was wonderful. I can't even find words to describe how much my heart was smiling. We got to swim with two different dolphins during our time Jenny and Aika. Last time we had swam with Cindy and she was 50 years old. Dolphins live to about 20 in the wild. So we wondered if she was still there but scared to ask in case she had passed away. Just beside us was Cindy. Still living a happy healthy life. We were very happy to hear!! We got professional photos done but they are loaded up with out suitcases so I'll share them after we get home. The rain waited until about 2pm and by then we had done everything we wanted to do. So it was perfect!!!!

Tomorrow is the start of the end. Fred is flying home. Please send good thoughts/prayers cause I just worry so much until I hear he has landed safely. We will start our trip home. We will have 4 days of traveling so we will hopefully be home Tuesday. I have to admit I'm looking forward to being home. I miss my dog. I miss my DVR. I really miss my stitching haha. It's been such a wonderful time though. I'm so extremely thankful for each memory I've been lucky enough to make.


Heather said...

Glad to hear you had a great trip! I may have to do another day at discovery cove again soon it's been a few years. Especially since we're moving soon. Sending good thoughts your way!

Rachel said...

A perfect day! I'm so glad the weather held out for you. You will have memories to treasure forever. Can't wait to see the photos. Have a safe journey home. Thoughts are will you for a safe plane journey and drive. :)

Lana said...

Oh wow!! Sounds like you had a great time!!

Justine said...

Sounds like a fabulous way to end your holiday. Hope you all have safe trips home xx

gominam said...

Glad to hear you all enjoyed this family getaway. Have a safe and wonderful trip back. You're not the only one missing your stitching, I'm eagerly waiting for your next WIP update too;)

tiffstitch said...

Hooray! I'm so glad the weather held. Fingers crossed Fred has no issues on the way home.

Minnie said...

Wow! Can you adopt me? You all have so much fun :-)

Meari said...

Discovery Cove looks like fun!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a fantastic trip. Good to hear that they look after their Dolphins so well too.

Mii Stitch said...

Oh my!! I'm so impressed with the picture you've borrowed I can't wait to see yours!! Sounds like the most wonderful day. So happy the weather was good and you got to swim with the dolphins. A-MA-ZING!!!