Aug 21, 2015

Day 15

We made our way downtown this morning to eat a delicious breakfast. Jeremiah loves chocolate chip pancakes. The restaurant had a chocolate chip waffle and he really loved it. To me it just looked like a brownie haha. I'm glad he can eat stuff like that. He is so little he needs the calories. We had a boat trip booked for today at 1:30pm. We checked in with them since the fog is still very heavy. They have had to cancel all the trips for the last few days. But the lobster boat would probably still be going out since it's not really a sight seeing type of trip. So when it came time we loaded up and boy it was kind of scary with the heavy heavy fog. I'm sure the boat captain knew what he was doing but I sure couldn't see anything.

We pulled in probably 4 lobster traps. We got to see how it all works and see what his catch was. The naturalist told us all about the history of lobster trapping and how the whole thing works. It was very interesting. Jeremiah even held a lobster...
He also got to hold a sea cucumber that they had in their touch tank. It was crazy cause it looks like a hard cucumber and yet it is really squishy. It was a fantastic trip. We also got to see the seals again. Then we were surprised with harbor porpoises, a Mola Mola Sunfish, and several neat seabirds that are normally hard to find. Tomorrow we were supposed to go on another lighthouse boat tour to see several other lighthouses we haven't seen yet but they said with the fog they doubted it would go out. So we got to thinking about we might as well hit the road. We are going to drive south along the coast and stay at another beach area. Since we've done everything here we wanted to do. Then Monday we will start the trip home.


tiffstitch said...

That does sound scary with the fog, but I'm glad you all had such a good time!

tiffstitch said...

That does sound scary with the fog, but I'm glad you all had such a good time!

Heather said...

Sounds fun! The fog would have made it more fun for me!

Bea said...

What a great experience for you all. Maybe you can drive your way out of the fog.

gominam said...

Glad you still had a good time despite the fog. Have a safe trip back:)

Julie said...

What amazing animals and sea creatures you are getting to see (and hold).