Feb 20, 2023

Feb 20th Monday Update

 Let's see what I was up to last week.

Monday I stitched up Part 7 of the Blackwork SAL...

Tuesday I just worked on the Paw Print. Jeremiah had his new doctor here in Wabash. We love her. She really took time and showed she cared. She did blood work and tested for everything. Jeremiah is all clear and looking great. Finally weighs 128 pounds. We've worked hard for him to gain weight so we were happy. He doesn't go back for a year.

Wednesday I worked on Paw Print again. Then got busy on Season 2 February and finished it off...

 (2) February 15th
February - A Year of Celebrations Season 2
from Hands on Design
Stitched on 32ct Dark Cobblestone Lugana
Using Suggested Classic Colorworks Threads
Started Feb 1st. Took 7 Days. 

Thursday I got no stitching time (last missed allowed day for the stitching challenge). I had my doctor appointment. I talked to her a lot about being frustrated with my weight. I'm moving my bum off but the scale refuses to move. So we are going to focus on my food intake....hopefully. I go back in 6 weeks to see what happens. My blood pressure was high but all my blood work was great compared to last time so my new life is helping just sure not moving that darn scale. I know though the scale isn't the most important but seriously! I am trying hard here. We ended up going out for a cheat meal haha which celebrated me trying to lose weight right?!?! Haha. Then groceries for more healthy stuff. Make up for the meal out haha. 

Friday I got my half hour into the Paw Print. Here is the progress for the week...

Then I happily pulled out Rainbow Dragon for IHSW. Saturday and Sunday I got 200 stitches both days added...

I forgot to share with you guys. I might be forced to buy a new Paine Free Crafts pattern. I fell in love with it. Then I showed the boys and they both want me to stitch it...

He looks so spooky and just awesome. Sure not the bright colors from Rainbow Dragon haha. Since there isn't a background I need to think of a neat fabric to stitch him on. A stormy kind of fabric. Even though a lot of it is covered. Still be fun to stitch on haha.

Have a wonderful week. Love yourself. Find a reason to smile.


Rachel said...

Another great week, and a finish to boot! The February cardinals are gorgeous.
I love Anne Stokes, all her dragons and goth stuff, but have never seen a pirate before. It would be a fun stitch, but only when interspersed with something a bit more colourful, which you do anyway. If the boys want you to stitch it for them, maybe they should buy all the supplies? ;)

diamondc said...

Hi Katie: Great stitching progress, the new design does look scary.
I hope you can find the right solution for the weight loss, I have the same problem am now taking a thyroid medication for a slow thyroid it seems to help a bit.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Fabulous work on your pieces this week. Rainbow Dragon is going so quickly!
Glad Jeremiah likes his new doctor, well done on the weight, that’s more than me but I’d guess he is a bit taller than me! Most people are LOL. What works for me, is smaller portions and eating slowly, so my body gets the message that I am full. Other than that I eat what I want, when I want. And walk lots!