May 20, 2024

May 20th Monday Update

Howdy all. It's hot out today. So AC running and all chores done as soon as possible. Let's see what I stitched on last week...

Monday was my 45th birthday. So I decided to spin a new start. Jeremiah spun Luck of the Irish by Primrose Cottage Stitches on the Tiny Decision wheel. I added 327 on Monday and 667 on Tuesday so a total of 994 this time...

I'm using 32ct Platinum Lugana and the suggested DMC which is only 3 colors. Another chart I got when I was at Always in Stitches before retreat this year. My needles were flying. Do you think it's the Irish in me? Haha.

Wednesday was time for another new start. This time the wheel picked Lady Liberty by Keslyn's. I added 476 stitches...

I'm using 32ct White Jobelan and Gloriana Silks Crimson and Pacific Dark Blue. I was getting ready to start and thought wow this fabric is HUGE. I realized that I forgot to tell the lady when I ordered the fabric I was planning on stitching it over one. Oops but I'll cut it and use the fabric for something else. No crisis with being too big now being too small would have been a different story all together haha. So here are my little tiny stitches...

If you can't tell I started on the upper left wing. This will help the thread last longer as well since I can use just one thread. 

Wednesday and Thursday I spun Halloween Potions by Les Petites Croix De Lucie. I wanted to add 500 to it this month. Ended with 513...

This one seems to go really slow because a lot of color changes. But it sure looks cute when stitched. Reminder I'm stitching it on 32ct Light Mint Lugana with suggested DMC.

Friday after I finished up my stitches on Halloween Potions I switched to another acrostic spin. Taurus Mill Hill kit came up. The prompt for this one was To the Party and since Taurus is my birthday zodiac I thought it was a good fit...

I had started this one Sept 26th, 2023 for a stitching challenge. So I had one day into it...

I added 159 Friday, 341 Saturday and 144 Sunday. I finished the main dark green symbol finally haha...

It was a great one to work on in between projects this weekend since it was IHSW but we had a lot of outdoor stuff to get done.

Sunday after I finished up the symbol I got back out Thanks to the Brave by Erica Michaels. I wanted to add 200 this month for the acrostic Letter E...


Added 243 stitches to the background fill in. That part definitely takes the longest. But helps the letters POP. So it's worth it. 

So I happily got a lot of stitching done all week. I have two new starts left on the two Wednesday's left in May. Irish Blessing Bell Pull and The Mandalorian. Can't wait to see what he spins first. Both I'm excited to work on so not really a bad choice between them.

I have to share the lovely Faith a dear blog friend of mine gifted me a GC to 123stitch for my birthday. So I happily went shopping. I got fabric for a project that I will probably be starting next month...

I think this will look like a stormy night and really help the snowman pop bright. I also got a big piece of 32ct Vintage Country Mocha and some replacement Q-Snap snaps. I had one break on me the other day. It's barely sticking together. Thanks Faith!!!

I also got a beautiful Petunia from Campground family. Then Fred brought me a few Spider plant babies from work...

So evidently 45 let me reach the I want a plant phase of my life haha. We are looking forward to Memorial Day and then Bev and Dad have decided to take Jeremiah to a casino for the night. He hasn't had a night with them since last August so he is very excited to take a trip with them again. Bev sure deserves it. They have 4 friends meeting them and staying too so it will be a lot of laughs. They are going on my Dad's Birthday the 29th. Okay I'm off to read some email and get off this computer so I can stitch. 

Have a lovely week. Stay safe in the weather. Smile. Love yourself.


Carol said...

Happy 45th, Katie! Love your birthday start and what nice progress you've made on your other pieces. I may have to stitch Thanks to the Brave myself :) What a nice gift from Faith--you picked some great goodies. That Pirate snowman is too cute! Hope Jeremiah has a great time at the casino with your Dad and Bev! And you have a nice quiet evening! ♥

DJ said...

Oh my goodness, look at all those beauties! I have to comment on the pirate though, he's so amazing! And the fabric you chose will be perfect! I'm keeping my eye on your progress, I truly want to see how it looks on that fabric!! I think I have one of those patriotic pieces in my stash, I may have to make a deep dive and pull that one out...or something similar. With summer coming up I'll have to change my mantle display!! Happy Stitching!