May 28, 2024

May 28th Tuesday Update

Holiday weekend was busy busy so here is my normal Monday update a day late. Let's see what I worked on last week.

There was a pop up challenge in Magazine Monthly FB group called Mother May I? One admin gathered prompts from everyone like May we stitch something Halloween? She had a list of 10 I think. It was a 5 day challenge. Each night before she would post Mother We We and the other admin would answer Yes or No. If the answer was no she would change to what we had to stitch instead. We only need 100 stitches for the prompt. The 19th was the first day of the challenge. The prompt Stitch the closest to a finish. I had picked Taurus MH kit which I shared on my last Monday update.

Monday the prompt was Stitch something with people. I also had Christmas Celebration by Frosted Pumpkin on my acrostic so I pulled that out. I added 104.

Tuesday the prompt was Stitch something with a border and Christmas Celebration worked for that one too. I added 622 more. So a total of 726 was added...

The border on the left was up by the snowman like the one on the right. So I definitely made great progress. Plus finishing the S block. No promises but I just might finish this one this year.

Wednesday was another birthday month Wednesday start. The Mandalorian from Forbidden Fiber Co. Janet gave me this pattern on the way to retreat in March. Plus she gave me her leftover threads from when she stitched it. I had to order two that are the most used but that's a fantastic deal. Plus her sister gave me the white evenweave I'm stitching it on. I had made a comment about stitching on 40ct and she had a piece that she gifted me. I added 660... 

The prompt for Wednesday was Stitch something with words so Mandalorian worked perfect. 

Thursday the prompt was something with flowers. So I pulled Unicorn Biscornu back out because I was stitching the flowers on the back panel and added another 100 stitches...

Then in honor of Memorial Day weekend I pulled out Colorful Eagle by Kitty & Me. They surprised us with a final bonus prompt stitch something you love and it definitely works for that too. I added 331 to him...

 No stitching over the weekend. We had some camping friends and family over and had a nice holiday weekend. It was humid but then it stormed and was pretty beautiful for sitting around the fire in the evenings. A lot of laughs were had. 

Last week I also planted a garden. Mostly different tomatoes but also some cucumbers and zucchini. I'm so excited about it and loving watching it change each day...

It's been fun to do with my dad. Spike thought he found a friend while on a walk around the pond...

It's a paint belly turtle and she was laying eggs. We put a flag there so we don't disturb them. Spike checks them every day to see if anything has changed haha. His babies ya know.

I did something new. I grew my own sprouts...

I've always liked them on salads. I've tried them now on a cold meat sandwich and hamburger. Yum. They are good for you too. So double plus. It was fun to watch them change everyday. Really easy to do. 

One last thing. I got an email from Paine Free about new releases and fell in love with one. We have been into Vikings and Norse stuff for awhile now. Look at this new release...

Jeremiah loved it right away. Then I showed Fred and it was done. I ordered it. The fabric has been ordered too. LOL another new project. Oh shush. LOL Least this one it's right to that gorgeous border instead of pages and pages of background. The black background is pretty small before the gorgeous tree starts. I don't have to explain's a new pattern. Shush I needed it.

My plans for the week. I get one more new Wednesday start. Irish Blessing from Herrschners. I have Dragon Biscornu left on my acrostic need 200 on that one. I need to iron out my June acrostics and plans. I'll be back to share those plans when finished.

Have a great week. Love yourself. Smile.


Faith... said...

What a busy weekend! Glad your friends were able to come over and spend the holiday weekend with you guys; I know that is always fun! You still got in lots of stitching! Everything looks great. The sprouts look interesting... I don't think I have had them before.

Keep y-up the great stitching!!

Faith... said...

I don't know where the y- came from LOL

DJ said...

Your weekends camping sound like so much fun! What a wonderful way to get away from the rat race and just BE. I love it that your furry friend adopted the turtle babies, what fun they will be to watch hatch, I wonder how long that takes? I absolutely love the new pattern, I'll be watching for your next attack of startitis when you pull this out to start! LOL!! All your projects are lovely, and what fun to meet those challenges, I'm sure that helps encourage you to get lots of stitches in! Always fun to visit your blog! Happy Stitching!