Aug 5, 2024

Aug 5th Monday Update

 Wow....August. How?!? Let's see what I worked on last week...

Monday - Olympics prompt Olympic Rings - Stitch with a color from the rings blue, yellow, black, green or red. Also Fandom Week 5 had a prompt that matched Stitch in color red, orange, or yellow to represent Fire. How perfect. So I picked Gathering Berries because it's a beautiful red...

I added 300 stitches...

I'm using Classic Colorworks Bell Soie Cranberry and 32ct Vintage Country Mocha fabric. 

Tuesday - Olympic prompt was Swimming something with water. Dashgo was stitching something with grass. Fandom Week 5 had a prompt about friendship. Wohoo 3 different goals met with this one project. Simple Treasure a Dimensions Kit. Water, Grass, and reminds me of Myrtle Beach and the wonderful retreats I attended there.

Added a wonderful 602 stitches. 

Wednesday - Olympics Cycling Something round. My last acrostic J from Jetski. So I picked Mushroom Gnome another Jim Shore Mill Hill. Contains lots of round beads.

Added 416 to my new start on this one. 

Thursday - Olympics Marathon prompt Oldest WIP. Fandom Week 5 also had an oldest WIP prompt. I went through my WIP tote and made sure I had all the years added to my info on when I started things. My oldest WIP in my tote now is Grow Together which I started in 2013...

Added 209 in a the treetop which is definitely full of confetti...

Friday - Dashgo pick 4 was work on SAL. Olympic prompt was Beach Volleyball work on something with more than 1 person. So watch this stretch. Winter SAL 2024 has two sweaters so for two people right?? Works for me...

Added 303 before leaving for a weekend trip...

Saturday - No Stitching. Dashgo call was WIP with a Duck which I was kind of glad I didn't have. So another No for me on the board. Olympics prompt was Rowing something with a row or border. I moved it to Sunday.

Sunday - Olympics was Olympic Village something with a house of building. Fandom Week 5 had one last prompt WIP with something that opens and closes. Plus the border prompt from Saturday. Summer Line Up fits. Lighthouse doors open and close also a building. Also there is a border around it. 

Added 200 before bed...

These challenges definitely have me stitching on a lot of different pieces haha. Sure love the push though.

So over the weekend we had a wedding shower to attend so I made plans to head up to Michigan City area. Then I seen a post on my favorite stitching store in Laporte they were having their stash exchange which is basically a garage sale in the parking lot of all stitching stuff. It was Saturday morning. So we started timing things out. Fred, Jeremiah, and Spike dropped me off at the sale when it started at 10am. They took Spike back to the hotel and put him in his cage for while we were at the shower. Came back to get me and we arrived at the shower exactly on time. I of course had a blast at the sale...

Most expensive thing was the Dimensions complete kit for $10! I've wanted that piece forever for $10 I couldn't pass it up. Then I went inside and got 4 newer pieces to support the store...

Like I needed more projects haha. Oh well. I love them all! The wedding shower was beautiful. It was held at an expensive winery so the meal was just delicious and mimosas were free haha. After that we headed back our hotel...

It was a new to us place. Vintage little roadside motel and it was so cute. Tiny but cute...

The whole town was sold out because of a big boat race so since we ended up taking Jeremiah with us we just brought an air mattress and moved the chairs and table out of the way. It worked fine. Saturday evening my BFF and his girlfriend came over and we went out for a delicious meal and had a nice time chatting. So it was definitely a great day. Sunday we woke up and headed home so Fred could mow.

We had a great time yet again traveling together. I just love my little family. Spike  had a blast. The bed was low and he loves laying under the bed so this had to do...

Works haha. Goofy dog. They provided a little treat and dog dish. It was very cute. We would definitely stay there again in the future. 

Well I'm off to stitch. All those prompts are calling me haha. Dashgo and Olympics are still going this week. Olympics challenge will end Sunday which will be kind of nice. One less prompt to work in haha. Have a great week. Love yourself. Find reasons to smile as much as possible.


Meari said...

Katie... Your stitching is beautiful. I love the Gathering Berries piece you're working one. Wow, you really stashed it out at the sale. :) The motel you stayed at looks really nice.

diamondc said...

Katie: I am a one at a time stitcher, you have so many sweet designs in the works the beach scene makes me want to head to the beach and read.
I love showers and weddings, so many people do not see friends or family only during events like this.
Sounds like Spike had a great time also.


DJ said...'ve been busy! I love all your projects...and the red you are using for Gathering Berries is fabulous!! Simple Treasure is fabulous and my favorite of your projects. What a sale you stumbled into! Isn't it fun to find all those goodies? Happy Stitching!