Brr from cold cold Indiana. Right now actual temp is 0 feels like -9 with the wind chill. We are under a Cold Weather Advisory till Wednesday when we might make it to 20s. So a lot of stitching going on. Even Spike would rather be inside under a blanket. So let's see what stitching I got done last week with my warm needles haha.
Still doing Brringo in Monthly Magazine Challenge group. So a prompt each day to work around.
Monday -- Prompt Non US Designer. I looked it up and Mother Nature: Winter was designed by Stitchora which is from Abu Dhabi interestingly enough so I added 200 to her. I fall more and more in love with her every stitch...
Tuesday -- Prompt Relates to your name. So I celebrated my Irish heritage and pulled out Luck of the Irish by Primrose which I was close to a finish on. Added 454 and was able to finish it...
My first 2025 finish. Wohoo! Will be adding information to my 2025 Finishes Page. In honor of my first finish I decided to start a new Mill Hill kit...
Christmas Lantern. Added 302 to it...
Wednesday - Prompt Length of your Favorite Movie. That answer changes every other few minutes haha. I picked Moulin Rouge because it stays my favorite a lot of times. I love a great musical and ohhh the music in that one. The length was 2 hours 7 minutes. I overachieved and hit 571 which also met my monthly goal...
Thursday - Prompt was a fun one. Roll a dice and stitch that many motifs or elements on the design of your choice. Jeremiah rolled a 3 which was a nice middle number thanks bub haha. I pulled out Noel Gnomes by Jardin Prive because it was easy to see the motifs added. I finished the little mushroom house. Added the Christmas Tree, two snowflakes, and a start on the next little motif with the presents before bedtime. 760 total added...
Friday - Prompt Monochromatic. That's perfect for Primrose Cottage Quaker's and I have 4 on my goal list for the year so started Winter Quaker...
I'm using a DMC variegated 93. I got the 100 needed for the Brringo challenge and then put it away for now. I really wanted to see if I could complete a goal for another challenge. I needed 500 added to my Oldest WIP which is Grow Together HAED. Sometimes the confetti makes it go really slow so I didn't know if it would work or not. Luckily it was International Hermit Stitch Weekend. We did run out Saturday to grab groceries but I hurried haha.
So 63 Friday. 137 Saturday. 330 Sunday hit 530 total. Wohoo!
Saturday prompt worked because it was Will Be Gifted and Grow Together will go to my son when it's finished. Sunday prompt was Someone Chooses for you and Jeremiah said You're close to the goal mom Go Go.
A lot of confetti haha. Here is my Brringo board now...
This has definitely been a fun challenge. I didn't join in last year since I had just joined the group and I've sure enjoyed playing along. They do another one in September with letters so it's ABCingo. Instead of prompts you put letters and pick a project to match the letter. It's fun as well. I do seem to enjoy a prompt challenge though most the time.
Poor Jeremiah still has the ick it just won't leave him alone. He is a lot lot better though. So hopefully soon. Fred and me are fine now. Luckily Fred only had a little version of this whatever it was.
Okay I'm off to stitch and stay warm haha. Only planned thing is to run quickly and do laundry tonight. Brr but it won't wait for warmer weather so we must do it.
I thought for a minute doing laundry and running quickly were two separate goals - I was about to say we could be virtual running buddies haha. Your stitching looks wonderful and congratulations on the Irish finish!
Aww... hope Jeremiah feels better soon, Katie. It took me a month to get over whatever it was that I had around Thanksgiving. Love seeing what you chose for each prompt and congratulations on the cute St. Patrick's Day finish. And the gnomes are adorable. Stay warm-- it was an actually -9° here yesterday morning. Haven't seen the grass since late December!
Hi Katie: Congrats on all your progress, also congratulations on finishing your Irish Luck, it always feels good to have a finish.
I hope Jeremiah is feeling better soon.
Great first finish and nice progress on the other pieces. I love the Noel Gnomes, what a cute one!
I hope Jeremiah is getting better every day, this lingering thing is rough.
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