Sep 26, 2018

Vacation Day 3

Today was our last travel day to arrive at our first destination...
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania We got to our hotel and got everything moved in. What a process. We need to travel lighter. I always over pack. I don't know why I pack enough clothes to be gone for months haha. Not long after we got here today it started storming really bad so we were really glad we were here safe and sound. I ran into another stitcher while checking in then a few more while walking by. Fun to see people just sitting around a lobby stitching. The retreat starts officially tomorrow. So some people have arrived early like us. Most the ladies I know aren't getting here until tomorrow.

Speaking of stitching...I showed you my Day 2 progress on the Vampire Face in my last post. Here is the Day 3 progress now that I have my stitching inside and can grab a picture...
More white on white. But hey it's progress.....really it is haha.


Julie said...

Hope the storm wasn't too bad and you were able to sleep soundly being nice and refreshed for the retreat excitement.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Looking good!

Hope you enjoy the retreat.

Astrids dragon said...

So glad you make it there before it got really bad.
"Eye" see it looking great!