Jan 27, 2020

#24HOCS January Marathon Day 1

This was the first time I participated in the #24 Hours of Cross Stitch 24 Hours Marathon.

To break up the photo loading time I'm going to break the posts down to each day. I had a great time and got a TON of stitching done.

My goal was to work on 12 projects for 2 hours each. Let's see what I worked on Friday.

Friday I got a total of 7 Hours and 3 Minutes.

10:50am Ready to start stitching First on the list Elegant Squid from Ink Circles

41 Minutes in time to eat lunch. We went down and got Subway. Then I got a call from my step mom with information on how to book our hotel rooms for our upcoming Vegas trip in April. So I took time out to get that all setup. Even more excited now. Plane tickets bought. Hotel booked.

2:00pm Back to stitching. No more breaks world. It's a marathon weekend. Haha.
After the stop watch reached 1 Hour and 52 Minutes I admit I was bored of this piece and ready to move on already. So let's see the progress. Here it was before on January 24th 2016...
The fabric is a Hand Dyed by Stephanie. It's a 28ct Jobelan evenweave. The color is called Glastonbury Tor. I'm using DMC 501 and 504.

3:23pm Next up is On Beach Time from Hands on Design. I loved this set and I'm mad at myself for not getting them back out. I really didn't want to put this one away. I started this one for the Longest Day SAL with Jo on June 22nd 2017. I started a stack of new starts and spent an hour on each one that day. Here is the before...
Reached 2 Hours and 2 Minutes on my stop watch. Oops 2 minutes late haha. Here it is now...
Dinner was in the break. Fred brought Chinese home for him and me. Mom got KFC for her and Jeremiah. Wohoo no cooking today. These marathons are a fantastic break from life that's for sure.

7:25 Ready for the next piece. Wave Dancer by Dinky Dyes. I totally forgot about this one!! Here it was on June 29th of 2015!!!!
I worked more on the band 10 that I'm on. Got the waves finished and outlined. Really loved working on this one with the silks and kreinik. Boy it has been a long time since I stitched with kreinik. What a pain but it's sure pretty. Reached 2 Hours...
9:50pm last one for the night. Decided to stay up to squeeze it in. Best Friend Santa a Jim Shore Mill Hill kit. Here it was before from Longest Day SAL with Jo in 2017...
11:12pm 1 Hour and 9 Minutes on my stop watch my poor eyes wouldn't stay open any longer...
Next up Saturday...


Faith... said...

Day 1, great progress!

Cathy said...

Lots of good stitching there, Katie! Good start to the weekend, too!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great way to spend the weekend. I remember liking Wave Dancer when you showed it before. Surely it can't be that long ago!

Bethan said...

Great progress for Day 1 - and yay to no cooking! x

Astrids dragon said...

All great progress, even better with not having to cook!

Rachel said...

That seems like a very successful Friday to me! It seems your love for at least three of the WIPs has been rekindled. Perhaps the Squid would be one of those projects to work on in short burst rather than longer sessions. :)