Mar 2, 2020

February WIPocalypse

Time for a WIPocalypse update. What is WIPocalypse? It's a rush to finish all our WIPs before the end of the world. Don't worry that will never happen. I don't mean the end of the world. I mean the end of my WIPs haha. I like to use this SAL as a reason to keep track of what I've worked on and the progress I've made since the last time. Each day I write a quick note in my weekly planner about what I've worked on. This makes a better count of how many days a piece actually takes to complete. So let's take a look back to my last update and see what I've worked on since...

Camping Out Mill Hill -- 4 Days. Finally got started on this one. I really want to finish it this year.
Salt Water Taffy -- 1 Day. Made a little progress on this one. Finished the left half of the page...
Wish Upon a Starfish -- 2 Days. Made progress on this one...
Heart Freebie -- 29 Days. Started and Finished this one for the #LovetoStitch challenge. Half hour a day. Finished up right as my last half was ending. How perfect was that? I would like to say I planned that but I sure didn't.
February Fairy -- 5 Days. Started and finished this cutie...
Homely Houseplants -- 17 Days. Has been my focus really this month. Boy this one has sure taken up a lot of time. Only one plant left now...
99 Bottles -- 2 Days. Added my 4 bottles for the month...
Beer Dragon -- 1 Day. Added 546 stitches...
Winter Time -- 1 Day. Got a little bit of progress on this one...
Rules for Life -- 1 Day. Made a little bit of progress...
Boba Fett -- 1 Day. Made a little bit of progress...
Wow even though it didn't feel like it I made a lot of progress on several different projects. That's why I love these SALs and posting updates like this. I can really SEE the progress.

Head over to Measi's blog to see who else has posted this check in. She also gives us fun questions to answer...Question of the Month: In honor of “Leap Year,” tell the story of a time you had to make some sort of a “leap” in stitching – taking the chance on a new style of stitching, attending a meetup or class, etc.

The first retreat I attended. I cried all the way there. I literally called my mom and asked if I could just come home. She said to try it and see how I felt in a little bit. I of course loved it after I settled in. What a leap for me though that's for sure. I'm so very thankful I pushed through my anxiety and walked in. I've made so many friends from that group and since then walked into a few other new retreats. Yes it gives me anxiety but I enjoy every second after I relax.

See ya next month with hopefully even more progress. 


Cathy said...

Lots of lovely stitching this month! Congrats on finishing your heart at the perfect time.

Rachel said...

Of course, your 24 hour marathon helped you enormously with both the amount of stitching you achieved and the amount of projects you worked on this month, but even so... wow! There's been obvious progress on so many things. You must be so proud! Everything looks fantastic! :)

Julie said...

WELL DONE on so much progress for a short month

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

You did really well in February, despite the shorter month.
The Purple Heart worked perfectly, finishing exactly at the right time.
The camping Mill Hill looks more bright then the picture shows, very pretty and perfect for your cabin.
I am surprised you were anxious about the retreat, I thought you were quite sociable! Glad that you enjoyed it once you settled in.

Faith... said...

You did make a lot of progress! I don't know how you get in so much stitching!! Congrats on all your stitches you put im.

Astrids dragon said...

Another great progressive stitching month for you! Yay for the Heart finish, I love it!