Mar 30, 2020

March WIPocalypse

The last Sunday of the month is time for a fun check in. This blog SAL is called WIPocalypse. The purpose of this SAL is for us to finish our WIPs before the end of the world. Do you think we can do it? I do refuse to believe this virus is the end of the world. I have too much stitching I want to do first. So let's keep stitching and see what we can do.

I can't get Measi's blog to work but it's looks like the check in is here. Hopefully I can get it to link up sometime soon. **Edit: As soon as I hit post it worked haha. Of course.**

So for this SAL I like to keep track of what I've worked on and how many days on each project. It's a nice way to look back and see what I've accomplished. So let's see what I've been up to...

Homely Houseplants -- 1 Day. I had just one plant left to stitch last time. I got it finished!!
Hands on Design Retreat Class -- 8 Days. I was working like a mad person to finish this for my retreat. Then it got canceled. I did finish the 9 parts. I don't know if we can share the WIPs photos so I'll share a sneak peek she shared on her Instagram of what it will look like...
Noteworthy Needle Retreat Class -- 2 Days. I got one part of the 8 for this class project when I found out the retreat was canceled. So I put the piece away for a bit. No sneak peek to show you sorry. We are going to get the finishing materials in the mail and hopefully be able to finish them ourselves.

This is when everything really got weird. My retreat being canceled really bummed me out. The virus was really starting to scare everyone. When I picked up my stitching I just couldn't focus. I was too sad. I started working on my March Fairy and just had a hard time focusing on it.

March Fairy -- 7 Days. I got her finished up and fell in love with my stitching again.
99 Bottles -- 1 Day. Got 1 of my 4 bottles finished. Haven't taken a photo yet so I will share it later. I thought I would work on it more over the weekend. But I didn't get a chance. So hopefully I'll find time tomorrow.

I will be back to answer Measi's question after I can get her blog to work again. It's been a weird month. Hopefully my stitching will bounce back in April.

**Edit**  As soon as I hit post I got Measi's blog to work haha. Isn't that the way it works?
Question of the Month: Have you ever adopted a piece from someone else or gave up a piece to someone else? Which piece and why? Yes I've gave up a piece that someone adopted. It was a Crabby All Year piece. I don't remember who designed it though. I think Raise the Roof. I just didn't want to finish it and a friend said she loved it. So I passed it on to her.

See ya on Jeremiah's birthday April 26th.....or soon there after. I doubt our Vegas Trip is going to happen after all which has us all down. But we will go when we can. Maybe in September.

Let's follow Dory's advice and Just Keep Stitching! Oh I think she said Swimming but we can adapt her advice to fit our needs can't we?


Cathy said...

I'm glad your love for stitching is back. I've never stopped, but the last few nights, I've had to force myself to pick up a needle.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The Houseplants finish is great, you did really well there.
I've been as keen on my stitching as ever but seem to have less actual time.
I do hope April is a better month for your stitching.

Faith... said...

You had a great stitching month, even if you can't share everything. Hope Jeremiah is not to disappointed about the birthday trip.

Just keep stitching, just keep stitching... sounds good to me!

Rachel said...

I hope you don't feel too disheartened about your retreats being cancelled and your Vegas trip having to be postponed; even if another year away, they will take place.
I hope you receive all of the finishing goodies you need for your retreat pieces. It would be lovely to finally see them! Great work on everything else though, and here's hoping the next Stichonomy SAL is not quite as demanding as the Houseplants one! :)

Astrids dragon said...

Your plants look great and will be forever green, with no watering to worry about.
I love the retreat piece, I hope they'll show you how to put it together, it's going to be adorable.
I'm so glad you have your stitching bug back, and that April is even better for you!