Jan 9, 2023

Jan 9th Monday Update

Hi Readers. Another Monday. Another stitching update. I can tell you one thing. I am IN LOVE with my stitching again. I just LOVE it. I have been getting my exercising in too but I honestly have been having fun getting it done quicker so I can get to my stitching. Love it. Right now life balance is working well. So let's see what I worked on last week...

Monday and Tuesday I worked on Season 2 of the January Hands on Design piece. 

Wednesday I started the Week 1 part of The Blackwork SAL...

This is Week 1 of 27. 28ct DaVinci Evenweave using DMC 550. Love it!!! After that which went so quickly I worked on Season 2 again.

Thursday I started the Cherry Hill Valentine SAL...

Friday and Saturday back to the Season 2 piece. Saturday I finished it...

(1) January 9th
January - A Year of Celebrations Season 2
from Hands on Design
Stitched on 32ct Dark Cobblestone Lugana
Using Suggested Classic Colorworks Threads
Started Jan 1st. Took 6 Days. 

It was a blast to stitch and now I look forward to all the rest of them. 

Sunday I went back to the Valentine SAL...

I love it on the black. In person you can see the light purple of the letters better of course. It definitely makes the colors pop off the fabric. 

I got some happy mail today which was very happy because I found out Friday it was lost. The post office put the wrong address on the delivery even though the store put the correct one. Anyway my lovely cousin is our mail lady now. So I messaged her and she found it for me...

I seen one of these on Instagram and knew I needed the set. I looked on 123 and summer was not in stock. So I called my not so LNS and they had all 4. Meant to be. So she cut some fabric for each one and now I can kit up the threads. Wohoo more projects haha. Like I needed them right? Oh shush.

Saturday I found out a very dear friend of mine passed away suddenly in her sleep. She was 35. Getting married in 4 months. They are doing an autopsy to find out why. She was in charge of one of the fitness Facebook groups I found. We have been friends for 2 years. I talked to her every day. She was so sweet and motivating. She inspired me to go each day. The rest of the group of us are just shocked and I have cried so much. Just keep waiting for a message from her. We never got to meet in person. We talked about it. Life just didn't let it happen. Now it never will.

I am so sick of bad news. I am sick of death. I am sick of crying. I am worried what life has ahead. But... I am going to be okay. I have fought so hard to be the positive person I am. I just have to pick myself up....again. My husband and son and so many others care about me. I know that. I feel that. So today I hit 10k steps in Stacey's honor. She would be proud. She would have said You got it girl. 

I will work my butt hard to get it healthier. Then I will sit in my comfortable chair and stitch. It soothes my soul. Just please.....hug someone. Hug yourself. Be happy somehow. We need it. In the crazy world we live in. I will be here.....in love with my stitching again.


diamondc said...

Hi Katie: Nice progress and a finish, nice.
I am looking forward to seeing the Valentine design finished.
So sorry about your friend, life is sometimes hard to handle, I know you will make it.


Rachel said...

A great start to the New Year with your stitching (and stashing!) but, oh wow, you really are being dealt all the bad cards. So sorry for your loss. Hugs.

Cindy said...

Sorry to hear about your friend.
I am so glad you are in love with your stitching again. I go through dry spots also but with my new rotation I can't wait to see what I'll be stitching each day.
I think the projects you are working on are what is keeping you motivated.

DJ said...

So very sorry to hear about your friend. She would be so proud of you that you put in 10K steps in her honor. Keep hearing her voice cheer you on! I found when dealing with the difficult stuff, stitching helps me, I hope it provides the comfort you need now. I'm so happy to hear you have fallen in love with stitching again! I'll be here to see what you're doing and cheering you on too! You are, and will be, in my thoughts and prayers. *Hugs*

Carol said...

Oh, Katie, I'm so very sad to hear about your young friend! That is SO young--such a shock to all, I'm sure. I love that you did 10,000 steps in her honor--you're right, she would be so proud of you!

I love those sweet snowmen in the January finish. I bought that chart last year, but still haven't started it. And your new Valentine's piece is looking great on the black fabric.

Take care now--keep on getting those steps in and stitching! ♥

Faith... said...

So very sorry about the loss of your friend. She was very young, hopefully the autopsy will provide some answers.

So much beautiful stitching. It is almost like you are trying to make up for the time you missed last year! That blackwork looks great, but then I love all your stitching. Lucky you with the mail person being your cousin!

I know you will continue with your healthy journey because that is something you wanted to work on for yourself and you have been doing awesome at it!

Astrids dragon said...

So very sad to hear about your friend, she sounded like a real treasure and motivator for you. Good for you for hitting the 10k for her. Take it day by day, do what's right for you, and love your wonderful family.
Your love of stitching is showing, you have been working on some great pieces. Congrats on finishing January, it looks great.
Sending love and hugs your way, keep on stitching AND stepping!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Fabulous work this week! I do love the way colourful designs look on black fabric.
So sorry to hear about your friend though, such a tragic loss at such a young age.