Jul 29, 2024

Jul 29th Monday Update

Hey everyone. Let's see what I stitched last week.

First part of the week I was finishing up my monthly challenges...

Monday I worked on Irish Blessings by Herrschners. I wanted 400 for this month for the I in Jetski in Magazine Monthly Challenge.

418 later still loving this beautiful Irish saying.

Tuesday I spun Lady Liberty by Keslyn's and wanted 400 on it for the K in Jetski...

407 added. Then I seen a new popup challenge in Fandom to celebrate 100 Days till Halloween. So I had to do that since I LOVE Halloween. 100 stitches was 1 point for our team on anything Halloween. I figured I would pull out Halloween Potions because it's been in time out for a little bit. But then I heard a soft yell from my stash project bag. I zipped it open and out popped this fun The Witchy Stitcher pattern The Witch is In...

I even found a perfect piece of orange-ish material in my stash I bought at my last retreat for $5. I got a fast 100 stitches in Tuesday evening. Then Wednesday I was so in love I finished it...

Finish 22
The Witch Is In
By The Witchy Stitcher
Fabric 22ct Fine Ariosa Light Orange Rust Zweigart
Threads Suggested DMC
Started July 23rd, 2024. Took 2 Days.
1,000 Total Stitches.

 Of course the orange color of the material refuses to show up in the photo. Trust me it's cute and orangey haha. 

Thursday was time for The Mandalorian for the T in Jetski. Goal 400...

Friday 2 challenges started. Olympics Instagram challenge and Fandom Dashgo. I'm crazy for joining both haha. 

First prompt for Olympics was New Start or Something Started in 2024. First call for WIP with a stick or branch. Quick look at my WIPs and Yggdrasil works for both. So I got busy and added 202...

So much confetti in this section but oh it's beautiful. Saturday I switched to Forever in Peace by Sweet Wing Studio. The 2nd Olympic prompt was Something Patriotic and there was a pop up challenge in Semi Sane for Grandparent's Day. This one is perfect for that too because both my Grandfather's were in the service so I stitched this in their honor...

Added 508 to the right side of the design. That's the farthest right the pattern goes now. So just finishing it down to the bottom.

Sunday a new Dashgo call was called WIP with a dessert and I don't have one and I promised myself I wasn't starting new stuff just for the prompts. So it's Zero for my on that one. Which is okay with me. No stress just fun. The Olympic prompt however was Stitch Something Related to Summer so Summer Line Up by The Trilogy came out for the day...

Added 308 before bedtime. I really enjoy the prompt style challenges. Especially when they work together haha. I will be lucky every time that accidentally happens. The Olympics Instagram challenge only goes to Aug 11th at least. The Dashgo goes till Sept 9th. 

Now to just keep it all straight haha. I swear that's the hard part. I scribble notes that make sense that moment and then I look back and think what the heck did I mean? LOL So I need to make better notes for myself. Duh future me needs to know what's going on.

Life update. Wow. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage. 

Monday Bev's bloodwork went way low so she needed an infusion of both platelets and blood but she could do that here in our small town. Tuesday morning though she had a high fever so Dad took her to the ER in Fort Wayne. She was admitted because she had an infection somewhere and they needed to run tests. In the testing they did another MRI and found she had another stroke. Also multiple bad infections that jumped to treat. Friday she was moved to the ICU because her O2 levels went toxic again. Saturday they said the words heart failure because of water surrounding her lungs due to the infections. So they immediately began medication to treat that. In the meantime she was now incoherent and scaring us to death. Sunday afternoon Dad came home to do some housework and her sister was sitting with her and Bev finally woke up and spoke again. So they think they are treating her for the right things. This morning she has developed cellulitis but they say that's easily treatable. So hopefully she is on the road to recovery yet again after another hard battle.

Thursday evening I got a phone call from a family member trying to reach my dad and they couldn't get him. Well with everything I assumed he was asleep. So after multiple phone calls another family member was almost to his house. So I stayed home to wait and see if they could wake him up. He beat and beat on the door and was screaming his name and no answer. So since I have a key I went to go over and go inside to wake him up. We went out to our van and the battery was dead of course. So back to phone calls and after probably 20 mins of beating on my dad's house the person was able to wake him up. We all headed over to be by my Grandfather's side. It seemed it was time. I didn't know if I wanted to be there but everything in me said my family needed me and now I can say I'm sure glad I was there. Grandpa passed peacefully at 10:50 surrounded by love. We sat and told stories and laughed and cried together. It was really perfect. I sure hope I can go that peacefully and surrounded with love. My family is okay. They are thankful he is resting and no longer in pain.

So it's been a week. Feels like a month worth in one week. I am exhausted and sleep doesn't help. But my stitching is helping me if I can think straight and figure out what works where for what challenge haha. I really am enjoying these crazy challenges though and makes me feel like at least I'm accomplishing something when I can mark one finished and think Hey I got points for that! Little wins ya know. 

I will breath. I will be okay. I will love myself. I will find reasons to smile. Hope you can all do the same.


Carol said...

Oh, Katie--what a week you've had, both in stitching terms and with your family's health. I'm sad to read about your grandfather, but glad his passing was peaceful and that you could be there. I was only with my mother-in-law when she passed almost two years ago, but it was a very special time. May he rest in peace... And I do hope Bev's health issues are straightened out. Poor woman, she has been through so much. Take care now and enjoy all those beautiful WIPs of yours. Hoping August is a nice month for you ♥

Astrids dragon said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather, but what a comfort to have your family with him.

I hope Bev is well on her way to recovery since I'm so late in reading this.

Lovely stitching, I especially like The Witch is in!