Sep 30, 2015

Day #1

Hello from the road. We headed out this morning. This is a route we have traveled so many times now we knew right where to go. That's always nice. This hotel is a perfect distance from home. I'll tell you what though I swear Ohio grows when you are trying to get out of it. It takes forever to get across it haha. It was a little over 5 hours and we were all sure glad to get out of the vehicle. Jeremiah even said he hurt. It's so weird since all you do is ride but it still tightens you up.

We got here and ordered my yummy Italian that I like so much called Napoli's. They have this delicious spaghetti dish with pepperoni on top. It's so good. I look forward to it every time we stop here. Tomorrow it another travel day. We are sure watching the news. There is a hurricane they are watching closely and of course they keep talking about it could hit right where we are going. Here's hoping it's not as bad as it could be!! Today we had just a few sprinkles so it was a good travel day. Let's keep it that way tomorrow.


Heather said...

Good luck have fun!

Rachel said...

I'm glad your first day of travelling went well. Hope the hurricane stays away from your route tomorrow. :)

gominam said...

Enjoy your trip:)

Tiffstitch said...

Hope you don't run into any bad weather and glad you got to have your favourite meal last night!

Justine said...

Safe trip tomorrow.

Julie said...

Safe journey, have a wonderful time.