Summer from the Seasonal Wordplay book by Leisure Arts.
Fabric 28ct Antique White Jobelan
Used Suggested DMC threads
Started for CJC Jan 15, 2015. Took 6 Days to Finish.
Wohoo a finish to report. Now I only have Autumn to finish from the Seasonal Wordplay booklet. This makes 5 of the 15 CJC starts now finished. That's my fault for picking mostly big pieces haha. I think I'll pick more small ones for 2016. Wonder what will jump into my Qsnaps next?!
Wonderful finish, congrats
Wow, what a great job you did, congrats on the finish!
Pretty finish as always, congrats!
Excellent finish! And you've been stitching on lots of other things too, so 1/3 there is pretty impressive. Stitching on the autumn one would be seasonal, but I expect you'd like to do something besides backstitch for a while. :)
What a great design!
Well done Katie, I love this finish. And it's thanks to you that I have bought one "Words" chart and have my eye on many more, especially now I know they don't take that long to stitch!
Wonder what you'll line up for 2016?! :)
Congrats it looks great! I need your speed skills!
Congrats on the adorable finish Katie.
Congrats on your finish, Katie. Sooo... What are you going to do next?
Congrats on the beautiful finish!! Looking forward to next project.
You have been so fast finishing this project.
Well done it looks lovely.
What a beautiful finish. I love wordplay pictures and your stitching is lovely on this one!
These do stitch up quickly don't they? Even so your needles must have been flying. This is so pretty.
A very nice finish!
Fantastic finish, well done.
Congrats on that Summer finish! Looking forward to seeing what jumps on those Qsnaps! Hugs!
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