Oct 6, 2015

Day #7

Today we finally got to venture out without rain. The wind is still really strong but we could tough that out. We ate breakfast out at our favorite restaurant here Jolly Roger. Then we finally got to go shopping...
We found some nice antique stores and had a lot of fun looking through them. Then we went out to Jeanette's Pier...
It's a fishing pier that the aquarium owns so since we had an aquarium membership we could walk out there free instead of paying. It was fun to experience the wind out there. The waves were gorgeous too. No luck spotting any sea animals though. I think they went somewhere safe instead of being thrown around in the waves. Even the fishermen weren't out today.

We stopped a few other places had a nice pizza dinner and then headed back to the room. We are getting everything packed up since we move places tomorrow. It will be fun to be to somewhere I've never been before.


Heather said...

I love piers :) When I lived in Florida they had a restaurant on the pier which was tasty and fun to look out at the water. Have fun at the new place!

Tiffstitch said...

That sounds like a much better day! Glad you could enjoy the wind instead of having to hide from it.

Rachel said...

Such lovely buildings! It must have been fun at the end of the pier. Safe journey to your new destination tomorrow. :)

Justine said...

Beautiful old buildings. Hope you enjoy your trip into the unknown!

Julie said...

Enjoyed my catch up read about your trip ... hope the weather improves for you.

Renee said...

I just read through your posts. It sounds like you have all made the most of a stormy trip. I grew up on the coast, so reading about the high winds and downpours made me a bit homesick. I hope you are all having an amazing time!

Bea said...

Nice to enjoy a day without rain. Sounds like you made the most of it.

gominam said...

Seems likeeverything is looking brighter! Love the photos, have a wonderful and safe drive:)

Maggee said...

Can't wait to see where you are today! It was gorgeous today... hope you had a good one!

Mii Stitch said...

All in all, plenty of seaside fresh air!! Lovely!