Nov 11, 2019

Monday Update with FFG and New Finish

So yesterday was the 10th but I was busy so I'm here today with my FFG post. What is FFG you might ask?
It's a fantastic idea from Rachel to push us to have an excuse to FINISH our cross stitching. I know I have a bin of shame. I finish my pieces and then sit them in a drawer out of sight. Why hide those beautiful pieces? No more. (Well I'm trying.) Stop over to Rachel's check in post to see what others have finished for this check in.

Let's see what I have fully finished since my last check in which was October 11th...

The Halloween Biscornu was fully finished on Halloween...
This photo shows the top and bottom. I really enjoyed doing another biscornu and it reminded me why I love them. Even though they are hard to photograph haha.

Mom's Nautical piece has been finished already. I did it on Nov 6th...
Then last night I luckily put the finishing touches on my Lizzie Kate Flip It Stamp for November just in time for this post...
Stitching Finish #39 for the Year November 10th
November from Lizzie Kate Flip-It Stamp
Stitched on 14ct Oatmeal Aida
Threads are Suggested DMC
Started Nov 7th. Took 3 Days.
14 Hours 18 Minutes Start to Finished.
I finished other pieces but my time for fully finishing is still limited. I'm really hoping to get everything out this month to do some more finishing. Plus no older pieces just yet. They are still pouting in their bin of shame.
So a recap of my finishes now because of this SAL:
February -- 5
March -- 6
April -- 5
May --  2
June -- 4
July -- 2 
August -- 6
September -- 2 
October -- 3 
November -- 3
Total of  38 Now!!!!
Don't worry life is slowing down now. So more finishes will be joining in. Or at least we thought life was slowing down. We had a nice weekend of nothing planned. Then I got text messages from my step mother asking us if we would go ahead and come down to the barn. They couldn't imagine a weekend without us. Fred had a meeting Friday after work so we waited and went down Saturday morning. We decided to use the day to put a 2nd ramp on our deck. We had one on the side but thought it would be nice to have another on the front of the deck. I had also earned a gift card for the store and wanted to use it. So we had our list and the gift card. We got $74 worth of wood and screws for $24. Wohoo that's a deal. The boys got busy...
 Perfect. Now Jeremiah can make a complete loop with his power chair...
Bev and me ran to a lovely craft store. They were having a big open house sale. So we both found some things we couldn't live without of course since it was on sale after all haha. We really enjoyed our time together just us girls. We picked up food from a church fundraiser on the way back for the boys and us. We relaxed in our cabin and watched movies together. It was yet another perfect day at the campground.

Sunday before we left Fred helped dad do some cleaning up of brush. It was a wonderful time even though we thought our season was mostly over. We have decided we must do this at least once a month to keep up the fun for the winter months. 

Now we are getting a lovely snow storm. Started this morning. By tomorrow night we might have 3 to 5 inches. We'll see. I sure hope so. I love snow. Plus we are warm and have food planned so no need to go out. Fred is a really good driver so I don't have to worry about him making it home from work. So let it snow let it snow let it snow. Tomorrow we might even break a record for cold temperatures. So perfect weather for hiding under a blanket and stitching right?

Since I have my two monthly pieces done I think I'm going to celebrate with a new start. Waxing Moon Autumn Blessing. I've really been looking forward to starting this one. So it's about time. I hope everyone has a great week. Fred has plans all weekend with his Ham Radio group this coming weekend so sounds like I will have a fantastic IHSW (International Hermit Stitch Weekend) full of LOTS of stitching time.


Pink Rose said...

Hi Katie wow your work is amazing ,you always make such beautiful projects well done my friend,and great new ramp,hope you have a lovely day xx

Suzanne H said...

Congrats on all your finishes. The FFG has really kept me on track this year. I'm sorry I don't comment more often but I usually read at my lunch break and I can't comment from work. I do enjoy your travels, stitching and life at the barn.

Cathy said...

Nice stitching and an enjoyable weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing Autumn Blessing.

Rachel said...

Thank you for participating again. Looking ahead, with your two monthly finishes in December you will hit at least 40 for being 40; that's quite an achievement!
I can't believe how quickly you've gone from summer to winter! Is it usual for autumn to flash by so quickly or are you just experiencing an unusually early snow storm? Either way, you're right - definitely blanket and stitching weather! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing always your finishing is wonderful.
Stay warm and safe in the storm.

Julie said...

Great start to the month with your finishes already. Well done!
Exciting times at the cabin even in the cooler months, something for all the family to look forward to.
Great bargain with the wood, but I bet you spent those savings at the stitching shop??

Carol said...

Such cute finishes for November, Katie! And I loved the video of your son speeding up and down the ramps--just perfect! Even better 'cause you got the wood for such a nice price. Hope you didn't get too much snow--we just had a couple inches, but it sure was pretty :)

Astrids dragon said...

Your Halloween biscornu turned out fantastic, and I love that turkey, so cute!
So glad you had another great weekend, even better that it was unexpected. Nice job on the ramp, you'll need to watch your toes with Jeremiah looping around!
How was the snow you got? Last week we were teased with it, but no such luck.

Faith... said...

Another successful FFG for you! Great addition with the new ramp. Now he won't have to try and turn around in order to get off the porch since he has one on each side! Sorry to hear that winter has shown up so early this year.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The biscornu looks wonderful. Your ramp looks good too. There's a lad in the class I volunteer with who has a power chair, it's amazing and he's a great driver!