Jan 2, 2020

What day is it?!

Happy New Year!!! So hubby had work Monday and Tuesday. He was off yesterday for New Year's Day. Back to work today and tomorrow. So today is Monday right? Who knows what day it is yet? I do know it's 2020! Wow. That seemed a million years away in 1999 when we all thought the world would end didn't it. Crazy.

We had a few errands to run yesterday but we had a nice time together. We ate out and got some groceries so we didn't have to run back out till next week...or tomorrow...or whatever day haha. When I got home we decided to watch some movies together. I grabbed my new start for the new year though. It was finally time to start my January stitching. First up the January Fairy...
Here is the start of her...
I'm using 32ct Lambswool Jobelan for the fairies. I will finish them into individual pillows for my shelf display. Hey speaking of that I need to get busy and get out my other January calendar pieces. I still have December out.

I do have more progress on Boba Fett and Winter Time from New York Dreamer from before the New Year...
I outlined one of the legs on the Sarlacc so I could see what it will look like. Love it! This is an easy piece to work on. Large blocks of color and easy to ready chart.
Janet (the friend I got this set of patterns from) was talking about how slow these pieces go. It seems like it would be a fast stitch but for some reason it's not. It's fun to work on though! The fabric is 32ct Country Mocha Lugana and I really love working on it. How adorable is that cardinal?!

Okay. I have some computer stuff to catch up on and back to stitching. Saturday we are going to my framer because I took several pieces to get framed. I can't wait to share them with you all.

I also thought of two more letters for my acrostic for January. I filled them in on the side. In my last post I didn't have one for R or A. Now I do...

R - Homely Houseplant SAL from Stitchonomy
Connection: Get Ready. The SAL starts Feb 1st.
Goal: Finish stitching already provided. We have already received what the plants will be sitting on.

A - Stitcher's Code SAL
Connection: A Part of the SAL
Goal: At least 4 hours
The 5th part was just released so I'm hoping to get a good start maybe even a finish on one of the parts.

E T and X are still empty but I'm going to work on the ones I already have picked out first and then deal with them if I have time leftover.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Nice work for the month already!
The Fairy looks like she will stitch up quickly so you can focus on Boba and Winter.
My son got a large calendar for Christmas, he has to change the date each day so we always know what day it is! There's a space for the weather and the season too but as Winter shows a snowman he is refusing to use it until we have actual snow!

Julie said...

You got lots of little crosses in whilst watching the movies. I too have lost track of the days over the festive holidays.
Back to normalMonday (if we can ever be normal!)
I think Justine began to stitch those fairies, I seem to remember watching them grow on her blog some time back.

Cathy said...

I'm retired so I always have to think about what day it is! You got a lot of stitching done for it only being the second day of the month!

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

It seems like for the past several months...no, past year...I never know what day it is. That being said, your little January fairy looks absolutely adorable and will make such a sweet pillow for display. Being the big Disney-Star Wars-Marvel Fan that we are here, I am really looking forward to seeing more of Boba Fett. Happy stitching! -Andrea

Pink Rose said...

Hi Kate well done you do such beautiful work,Thankyou also for your support of my blog,happy new year my friend xx

Rachel said...

Great stitching so far! I love the W on its own with the hand-dyed thread and sprinkled in snow. Looking forward to seeing those framed pieces! :)

Bethan said...

I am very confused by what day it is too. Hopefully I'll work out when Monday is before it happens! The fairy looks like she will stitch up quick. Looking forward to seeing more of Boba Fett x

jhm said...

Use eXcited to stitch for the X. I plan to. I am working on the 24 hours pages because some days may be 24 minutes or 24 stitches. Things are going to get hetic real soon.