Mar 10, 2025

Mar 10th Monday Update

 Hello blogworld. How are you all doing here? Flosstube is just crazy. I have 399 followers now which is just crazy. I love the comments and honestly that's what I missed about here. I was glad to see some of you watching me. But I don't want to stop being here as well. #7 is loading now so I can post here while I wait.

Monday and Tuesday I worked on Along the Nesting Boxes by Jardin Prive. Remember I'm doing this one two fence posts a month all year this year. I finished the March section Tuesday. Total time was 4 days and 1,217 total stitches. Here is a zoomed in for just March and the whole piece now...

Tuesday when I finished that one I pulled out Mother Nature: Winter from Just Cross Stitch Feb 2023 issue. I will be doing the 6 piece series sometime in my life hopefully haha. Not promising this month but sometime....hopefully haha. Anyway Tuesday and Wednesday was Day 6 and 7. Here she is now...

I just had to backstitch the antlers to admire the beauty. I'm working on the top half and then I'll switch to the bottom page.

Thursday I added two weeks to the Peppermint Purple 2025 SAL. Weeks 9 and 10. Here is a closeup and the whole piece. Still in the DMC 155 section...

After that was done I pulled out Mason Jar Lineup by Dimensions. Still on jar 3 of the 10. I'm Day 10 on this one...

Friday was time for Heart & Compass by Erica Michaels. I added 23 more rows to the background on Friday. Saturday after some running around I got started and stayed up till 3:30am to finish it haha...

LOVE IT!!! Took 7 Days. 3,187 stitches on the 40ct silk gauze. This is my 7th silk gauze finish. Many more to come. Thank you to mom for purchasing all these beauties when she did. The background thread is dark but it shows up so much better in person. I do enjoy the overall design. Next up to replace this one is another patriotic. I did have to laugh at the 4 Seasons Winter one I have in my WIP tote that is Erica Michaels...

 See that small section of background left?? That's all!! Why did I leave this so long!! I also went down the rabbit hole of looking through my blog for info on these. I planned in 2019 to finish all 4 seasons. Didn't work did it? Haha. Love blog grand plans when you look back. Failed Katie haha. 

Anyway I'm hoping to get this out soon and actually *cough cough* finish it. Duh and then start another season already. Not saying I will finish them all this year....I learned that lesson haha. Hi Future Katie haha.

Sunday was Beer Dragon and I got a sad 100 added...

Campground was invaded by visitors and I spent time doing everything but stitching. Oh well that's okay. They are excited for the temps to start warming up. This week we might hit 70 degrees. 

Anyway I will keep it out to hit the 500 required monthly amount before moving on.

Saturday we went up to Fort Wayne. It was the 2nd Saturday of the month so time for a stitching get together at the store there...

8 of us. Thanks Fred for grabbing the picture for us. After that we went out to eat at a restaurant we used to LOVE and it was delicious. Fred stopped at a new cigar place. It was high class he said so expensive but he was glad he checked it out anyway. Then we drove by the old house. What a mix of emotions. It does look like a family moved in and they have made some changes. It was sad and yet nice to know a family is enjoying our old home. We happily made our way back to our country happiness though after. I honestly much prefer country life instead of those big fancy houses.

Okay finally caught up. Love yourself. Find all the excuses to smile. See ya next week.

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