Jun 30, 2019

June WIPocalypse

Today is the last Sunday of the month. That means it's time for a WIPocalypse update. The purpose of this fun blog SAL is for us to stitch all our WIPs before the end of the world. I think since I will never come close that it helps keep the apocalypse at bay. I do my part at least. For this update I like to keep track of what I've worked on and how many days I've worked on each project. So let's see what I've been up to my last WIPocalypse post.

Wish Upon a Starfish -- 4 Days
I hadn't worked on this one since January. Here is where I was on it...
Here it was after the first 3 days. Reached the bottom left of the pattern...
Then I made a bit more progress on the starfish itself during the Longest Weekend Marathon. Here is the zoomed in progress from that...
Nautical Year -- 4 Days
Started and Finished Mom's Pillow from Sand, Sea, & Cross Stitch...

Lizzie Kate Flip It Stamp -- 3 Days
Started and Finished my monthly set...
Adjust Your Sails -- 5 Days
Started this new pattern. (Exactly why I never finish my WIPs haha) Here is what it will look like when finished...
Here is my progress so far...
Embers -- 1 Day
Broke this old WIP out. Hadn't worked on it since July 2015! Got a little bit added to it.
Here is what it will look like...
Here is where I was...
Here I am now...
I also got work done on 17 different projects for the Longest Weekend Marathon. I won't post them all again. Just scroll down on my blog to read those 3 posts to see the projects if you would like.

Beach Ball Mill Hill -- 2 Days
I started this one during the Longest Weekend Marathon and Finished it up the 2nd day...

Cabin Fever Mill Hill -- 2 Days
One day during the Longest Weekend Marathon and 1 After to Fix my Mistake and make a bit more progress. Here it is now...
Free to Be Me -- 2 Days
One during the marathon and Friday at home and at the cabin. I will share the photo tomorrow on my Monday Update post. So come back for that if you want.

I've had 12 non stitching days. So that's not bad considering we've been busy with some fun things and cabin time.

Measi also gives us cool questions to answer...Question of the Month: Half-year recap:  How are you doing with your goals so far this year? I'm happy. I'm marking things off my list even though I'm starting new things. I'm the most happy with how many different projects I've made progress on. I love the variety. I also have been finishing a lot and not only that but FFO the pieces instead of just letting them sit in a drawer.

See ya next check in. I hope I have a lot to share with you again.

Jun 28, 2019

June Smalls and Update with a Finish

Today is the last Friday of the month which means it's time for a Smalls SAL update. For this SAL we are to stitch up a small piece each month. Hoping we will have at least 12 little finishes each year. I joined a few years ago and used this SAL as a perfect excuse to stitch up monthly pieces for the whole year to display on a seasonal shelf I have. This year I'm stitching two sets. One for my mom and one for me.

Mom's set is a Nautical set (of course haha) from Sand, Sea, and Cross Stitch book. My set is Lizzie Kate Stamps.

Here is Mom's June all finished up...
Here is mine all finished up...
I enjoyed both of them yet again. I really look forward to stitching them every month. Almost time to start the next pair.

I just finished another piece that will qualify as a small too Wednesday...
(21) June 26th
Beach Ball Mill Hill Kit
2019 Spring Bouquet Collection
Using Kit Materials
Stitched on Perforated Paper
Started June 24th for Longest Day Marathon Weekend. Took 2 Days.
Right now I made it a magnet but we talked about finding something to glue it to like I did the snowman Mill Hill earlier this year. We'll see. I backed it with cardboard to make it more stiff and Mom has it sitting on her shelf unit in her living room.
Yesterday I pulled out Cabin Fever Mill Hill. Remember during the Longest Day Weekend Marathon I made a mistake with the section I was trying to stitch up...
I made a mistake on the outline of the section so everything was off inside of it. It took me forever to rip it out. I had to be careful so I didn't hurt the paper underneath the stitching. I finally got it out and restitched though.....correctly even haha. Then I did a little bit more on the fire block in the bottom right section too. Here it is now...
Here is a reminder of what it will look like when finished...
Perfect for our cabin right? I know. For some reason I just hit a done wall with these larger Mill Hill kits. I was working on it yesterday for a long time and then my needles just say Okay I'm done. I don't know why. So I put it down. I at least made some nice progress on it finally.

We are off to our cabin for the weekend as soon as hubby gets off work today. Supposed to be a hot one this weekend. Glad we have AC! I'll pack some stitching just in case I have time to work on it.

See ya Sunday for a WIPocalypse update. Have a great weekend.

Jun 25, 2019

#24HoursofCrossStitch June Challenge

So I was looking through Instagram this month and started seeing this new hashtag #24HoursofCrossStitch. I was curious of course so I got to looking. I think the group started with a 24 hour long marathon event. They tried to stay awake and log 24 hours straight of stitching. I think they were on the 3rd time doing it when I found the group. I was going to be busy the weekend of the marathon so I knew I wouldn't be able to join in that. The lovely owner of the Facebook group had setup a separate month long event also. Some time before the end of June you needed to fill in this form. The only requirements was to fit your projects into the letters and stitch a minimum of 24 minutes or 120 stitches on the pieces. Now that is goals I can do. I was so excited and ready to go. I always loved homework in school and this was adult hobby related homework. I mean she made a printable!!! How perfect!
After my weekend marathon I was able to completely fill in the acrostic of course. So let's see what I officially reported for my participation...

T - Salt Water "T"affy by Joan Elliott
This one fit easily since there is a T in the title.
Worked on for 1 hour 15 minutes

W - "W"ish Upon a Starfish by Designs by Lisa
Another that fit easily with the letter in the title.
Worked on 1 hour

E - "E"mbers by FireWing Designs
Fit Easily with the letter in the title.
Worked on 4 hours

N - Adjust Your Sails by Little Dove Designs
This piece has a "N"autical theme. Tada it fits.
Used Stitch Count for this one. Worked toward the max of 2400 stitches.
Goal met and then some with 3,121 stitches!

T - 4 Seasons Winter by Erica Michaels
This piece is "T"iny!!! 40ct silk gauze
Worked on 1 hour

Y - June Lizzie Kate Stamp
This piece is part of a "Y"ear long set.
Worked on 7 hours 35 minutes

F - "F"ree to Be Me by Val's Stitching Stuff
Back to an easy fit. Letter in the name of the pattern.
Worked on 2 and a half hours

O - 99 Bottles of Beer by Ink Circles
Had to think hard for this one.....Hey It's 99 Bottles of Beer "O"n the Wall. Works.
Worked on 1 hour 20 minutes

U - Halloween Mini by Artecy -- Vampire Face
Another hard letter to make work......"U"gly Monster Face. It's a stretch but they said anything works so I'll take it haha. Hubby also said he is "U"ndead so that would make it work too.
Worked on 3 hours 30 minutes

R -- Polar Bear Ornament by Durene Jones
Stitched with "R"ed thread for this whole time span
Worked on 1 hours 15 mintues

Since I've just posted all of these photos in the last few days I won't post them all again. I really really enjoyed this challenge. She just announced the challenges for July and guess what there are 3 different ones to join in on!!!! I can't wait. A new acrostic and two month long fill in calendar challenges. It's a very relaxing kind group. So far I love the challenges and they aren't stressful like some of the others I've seen. Just fun to try to plug in what I've already worked on or want to work on. They said that's the point. Have fun. No stress.

I think I will try to plan ahead more for the acrostic next month. I was worried since the randomness of my marathon I had planned so I waited and plugged them in after for this time around. I'm already thinking of some to fit in next time though. It's a great push to get out some different pieces.

I've noticed several others that I read their blogs are joining in the group too. I look forward to seeing what we all come up with. It's fun and that's what matters!!

Jun 24, 2019

Monday Update

I figured I would do a separate Monday Update post since I have some other things to talk about too. I posted on Wednesday and showed you guys my progress on Adjust your Sails. So I already shared that. Thursday though I was trying to decide what to work on. My marathon was coming up and I had everything organized so pretty I figured I better not pick something from the papers in my tin. I looked through my other WIPs and seen this oldie...
Remember I got these gorgeous two pieces of tie dyed fabrics from Heather (Oh I miss her blog!) and then I asked everyone what I should stitch on them that would show the beautiful fabric colors. Our lovely Jo twisted my arm and reminded me of these gorgeous dragons from FireWing Designs. So I was forced to purchase two and they were the perfect fit because the fabric would show through just gorgeous. Here it was in 2015 when I worked on it last...
2015! How could I ignore this beauty so long. I worked on her for awhile and here is where I got when I put her down for the night...
I'm stitching her over one with two threads. I'm pretty sure the fabric is 28ct. I really need to actually work on this one more. Of course I say that with all my older WIPs don't I? Shush at least I love my stitching haha.

The weekend was fantastic. I had a blast participating in the Longest Day SAL merged with IHSW (International Hermit Stitch Weekend). Fred had a blast at his radio event. It was a nice time.

Now it's a new week. I hope you all have a great one. I'm off to try to decide what I want to work on haha.  Thanks for stopping by and following my craziness.

Day 3 of Longest Hermit Weekend Marathon

Here is the wrap up post for my last day of the Longest Hermit Weekend Marathon.

Progress is progress but I definitely slowed down Sunday. I also got a late start since I made a yummy breakfast real fast Sunday morning and spent some time chatting with Mom about my weekend of stitching. So let's see what I worked on...

Mom picked Cabin Fever a Mill Hill Kit. I was hoping this one would be picked because I need to finish it so I can display it in my cabin. Beginning Photo...

My goal for today was the fish section in the top left corner. I started on it at 11:30am. Stopped at 12:50 after realizing something was wrong...
At the very beginning I did the brown square outline. Guess what? It's wrong. So the whole inside of the section is wrong too. No fudging it since it will affect the way it fits in the frame I have plus it will throw off the lower sections. Very frustrated with myself. I don't normally make mistakes but boy I sure did this time. Over an hour of time wasted! So instead of continuing to work on it I put it away. I will fix it later and hopefully make some actual progress. Grrrr.

We had lunch real fast. Then next up Jeremiah picked a paper that said New Start. I had 5 new starts picked out that I would like to do soon. (From the million haha). I laid them out on the couch and let Jeremiah and Mom both fight over which one I should start haha. I already knew which one mom would pick. She'd been eyeing it since Friday morning. So finally I got started on this one...
Beach Ball another Mill Hill Kit. I was nervous honestly I had just screwed up with a Mill Hill kit. What if I did the same thing with this one. My goal was to work on it for an hour since mom loves it so much. Here is where I got...
I counted, counted, and counted it again. It was right haha. Finally. Started at 2:00pm ended at 3:00.

Mom picked next and it was another Mill Hill. How funny to have so many picked in a row...
The above photo is where I was at the start. Goal for this one today was to finish the sailboat square on the top right......hopefully counted correctly. Started 3:30pm Ended 5:00pm after a lot of counting to make sure I was right haha...
 After this I took a dinner break. Plus hubby got home and I wanted to hear about his weekend. They really had a great time and a nice turnout. He was happy but tired and stinky since the shower wasn't working. So he happily took a shower and I got back to stitching.

Jeremiah picked out Polar Bear Ornament. This is another 3D Durene Jones Ornament. I have finished one before if you remember. Here is what this one will look like...
Goal was to do the middle red part. Started 7:00 and finished 8:15pm...
After that one Fred was finally joining us and we were settled in for the WWE pay per view. I let him make the last pick. He picked out Hinzeit Love 2 Stitch which he said was obvious after my stitching filled weekend. Here is what it will look like...
My goal was to finish the outline of the design. Started 8:25pm and stopped 9:15pm...
I decided to wrap it up after this one. I was honestly tired and just ready to watch the rest of the show. So overall Sunday I worked on 5 more projects for a total of 17 for the weekend! What a blast. I loved each one. The torture now is deciding which one I want to work on again first. So many of them are screaming for attention now that I teased them.

I've discovered a few things. I don't like keeping track of time. I feel pressured. I like to look away. Check Facebook. It takes forever to load things and get the piece ready to be worked on. Sometimes I would think I'll be ready in two minutes and 15 minutes later I was still getting the piece in my QSnap, the chart on my chart holder, and the threads ready to go. I like the just relax and stitch. It was so hard to put some of these down when I met my goal. I really wanted to just say screw it and keep working on it. I loved the whole thing though. What a blast. How fun to push myself and work on so many different things. It was a fantastic weekend for both hubby and me definitely. Now we are really looking forward to this coming weekend because we both missed our cabin time. I even got a message from my Step Mom and Dad on how much they missed us haha.

Jun 23, 2019

Day 2 of Longest Hermit Weekend Marathon

Another wonderful day full of stitching yesterday. I did some other things mixed in so I noticed a little less time spent but that's okay. Let's see what I worked on...
Mom was first to pick and she picked Wish Upon a Starfish. I started working on it at 10:30am. Goal was to work on it for 1 hour. Finished 11:30...
2nd Jeremiah picked 99 Bottles of Beer. Fred will be happy to see this one out again. Looks like it hasn't been out since 2015! I had 45 bottles stitched...
Told Jeremiah to pick a number 1 to 4. He picked 4 since he's a slave driver. Started at 1:15pm since we stopped for a lunch break. 2:35pm I finished the first bottle and admitted my first fail. I wasn't going to stick with it to do all 4. It would have took way too long from my marathon. So we all agreed I could stop after finished up the first one...
Even though those bottles are little there are a lot of color changes. I forgot that.

3rd Mom picked 4 Seasons by Erica Michaels...
Goal for this one was pretty easy to pick out. Finish filling in the background of Winter. Started 2:50pm finished 3:35pm...
Next Jeremiah's pick was Merry Noel by Hinzeit a new start. I set the goal of finishing Merry and the background behind it...
I was really excited to start this one. But I noticed I was getting a little sidetracked. Fred talked to me for a bit. He's having a really great time at his radio event. I started this one at 3:50pm. I think I stopped at 4:30pm to get dinner started and do some other stuff. Got back to it 6:35. Finished my goal 8:05. Another one that was hard to put down. Won't take much at all to finish this one quickly. It's so small...
Mom picked Park it Here a cute beach chair from Noteworthy Needle...
Goal was to finish the shell stitch along the right side of the design. Then I just need to do a nun stitch around the edge and put it together. Love this thread. It's called Confetti. Started 8:30 Finished 8:55...
Last one for the day was picked by Jeremiah Salt Water Taffy. A piece I just LOVE working on. Love the bright colors. Here it was before...
Goal was to finish the mast and the small section to the left of the mast. This goal was hard to set. I wanted to do a lot lot more haha. Started 9:20pm Finished 10:45pm...
Another one I really wanted to just keep going on haha.

So 6 more projects for a total of 12 now. Love it!!! Mom keeps trying to cheat because there are a few she really wants me to work on haha.
I watched 11 shows today. Finished Riverdale on CW and started SWAT on CBS.

Back at it today. Fred will be home sometime this afternoon. We have a wrestling pay per view to watch tonight. So should be another great stitching day. See ya tomorrow with my wrap up post. 

Jun 22, 2019

Day 1 of Longest Hermit Weekend Marathon

Instead of making you all wait till Monday I decided to do a quick post about my Day 1. I realized mostly there would be way too many photos for just one post. So let's see how my Friday went during my Longest Day SAL merged with IHSW (International Hermit Stitch Weekend).

I quickly caught up on my morning computer stuff. Quickly responded to some emails. Scanned to see if anything important needed looked at. Mom was first to pick. She picked out Free to Be Me. I was really excited to work on this one again.

Before Pic:
I had started this one for the Debbie's Ultimate January Challenge in 2016. Where I started a piece for every day in January that year. Goal: Finish the blue section and the top red section beside it.
Start Time 9:08am End Time 11:30am
I really had a hard time putting this one down. I wanted to make more progress. Exactly why I set the goal.

Jeremiah picked a paper now. Spring Bell Pull by Stoney Creek Magazine.
Before Pic:
Goal: Finish the Dragonfly on the right hand side. Start time 11:54am Took a lunch break 12:15pm. Back 12:45pm Finished 3:03pm...
A lot of color changes in that little dragonfly. Didn't think it would ever be finished haha.

Mom picked again. This time it was To the Beach Freebie from Hands on Designs. Before Pic..
Small Goal this time finish the E. Started 3:20 Finished 3:30...
Jeremiah picked Halloween Mini's. Another I'm always excited to work on. Before Pic...
Working on the Vampire Face. Goal finish the light gray symbol you can tell is missing from the right hand side. Plus do the check mark symbol which is a very light gray throughout the piece. Started 4:00 Stopped 4:30 for dinner break back 5:00 Finished 8:30...
Check mark symbol really filled in the design.

Mom picked again. Evergreen Snowman a Mill Hill kit. Before pic...
I started this one for the Longest Day SAL in 2017. Goal this time 30 minutes. Started 9pm Ended 9:30pm...
Last pick for the day was picked by mom again. Dream of the Sea. Working on the last part of this set of 4. Before pic...
Honestly I wasn't excited about picking this one up. I really hate stitching on linen. Of course the kit came with linen. I got it ready and started at 10:00. Goal to work on it till my eyes told me I was done for the day. 11:30 my eyes so Okay time. My needle was sad to go to sleep. I really am so happy with my progress on this one...
I would have been happy with just finishing the words. Proof that sometimes a push is all I need to work on something.

I also watched 14 shows. One of the biggest amount of shows I watched was Riverdale. Almost finished with the latest season. Just a few more to watch today. So weird to see Luke Perry again since he has now passed away. He was a great actor.

Okay enough chatting. I need to get busy. Can't wait to see what I work on today. Have a great day! See ya tomorrow morning.