Jun 30, 2019

June WIPocalypse

Today is the last Sunday of the month. That means it's time for a WIPocalypse update. The purpose of this fun blog SAL is for us to stitch all our WIPs before the end of the world. I think since I will never come close that it helps keep the apocalypse at bay. I do my part at least. For this update I like to keep track of what I've worked on and how many days I've worked on each project. So let's see what I've been up to my last WIPocalypse post.

Wish Upon a Starfish -- 4 Days
I hadn't worked on this one since January. Here is where I was on it...
Here it was after the first 3 days. Reached the bottom left of the pattern...
Then I made a bit more progress on the starfish itself during the Longest Weekend Marathon. Here is the zoomed in progress from that...
Nautical Year -- 4 Days
Started and Finished Mom's Pillow from Sand, Sea, & Cross Stitch...

Lizzie Kate Flip It Stamp -- 3 Days
Started and Finished my monthly set...
Adjust Your Sails -- 5 Days
Started this new pattern. (Exactly why I never finish my WIPs haha) Here is what it will look like when finished...
Here is my progress so far...
Embers -- 1 Day
Broke this old WIP out. Hadn't worked on it since July 2015! Got a little bit added to it.
Here is what it will look like...
Here is where I was...
Here I am now...
I also got work done on 17 different projects for the Longest Weekend Marathon. I won't post them all again. Just scroll down on my blog to read those 3 posts to see the projects if you would like.

Beach Ball Mill Hill -- 2 Days
I started this one during the Longest Weekend Marathon and Finished it up the 2nd day...

Cabin Fever Mill Hill -- 2 Days
One day during the Longest Weekend Marathon and 1 After to Fix my Mistake and make a bit more progress. Here it is now...
Free to Be Me -- 2 Days
One during the marathon and Friday at home and at the cabin. I will share the photo tomorrow on my Monday Update post. So come back for that if you want.

I've had 12 non stitching days. So that's not bad considering we've been busy with some fun things and cabin time.

Measi also gives us cool questions to answer...Question of the Month: Half-year recap:  How are you doing with your goals so far this year? I'm happy. I'm marking things off my list even though I'm starting new things. I'm the most happy with how many different projects I've made progress on. I love the variety. I also have been finishing a lot and not only that but FFO the pieces instead of just letting them sit in a drawer.

See ya next check in. I hope I have a lot to share with you again.


Faith... said...

I must say you had a very productive June! I can't wait to see what July brings.

Rachel said...

Looking back, you've had a fabulous year so far. OK, so a few cheeky new starts have slipped in but finishes and lots of progress on others have more than made up for that. I hope July can be almost as productive. :)

Mary said...

Lots of wonderful stitching. I really love A Wish Upon A Starfish.

Bethan said...

You do manage to get a lot done on your pieces - even if you do seem to start more than you finish :) x

Astrids dragon said...

More great progress, I love seeing the Starfish come together, and now the Sails too!
Of course I love seeing Embers grow, keep on stitching that one!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great work on all your pieces. I can't decide which I like best - the Seaside Sampler or the Dragon.