May 19, 2020

Should Have Been a Monday Update

I'm in a cycle. Go to the cabin. Come home. Monday do some chores. Try to catch up on emails and reading blogs. Post an update. Tuesday is finishing up blog reading, laundry, and grocery shopping. Wednesday is packing and finishing up things that need done before we leave again and hope to squeeze in stitching time. Thursday we leave again. It's a blur but it's a nice blurt. I feel far behind. Slowly but surely I catch up....I think haha.

Lots to talk about so hang in there.

First an announcement. I'm not finishing the Critters SAL. I really thought this SAL was going to be all animals not just bugs. I was going to stick with it but time is special and I have SOOOO many other pieces that I want to work on. So out with the projects I don't really really want to finish. The next one was just announced and it's mushrooms. I don't see myself wanting to do that one either so I won't finish the year of SALs to be entered into the drawings anyway. No worries onto to the next project....projects...seriously we all know I didn't need more options anyway haha.

Mill Hill Maynia Update: I'm still LOVING this one. Right now I have 3 days to catch up on *sigh* but I honestly LOVE working on these every day. So let's see which ones have came out this week...

Monday -- Seaside Sampler
Before Progress...
I got 1 hour and 13 minutes into Day 6 on this one...
Tuesday -- Summer Breeze Day 3 on this one...
I also worked on the May Fairy some more...
 Wednesday -- Camping Out Day 5 on this one now...
Before and After...
I also took time to work on Beer Dragon because I love it so much and it was my birthday afterall. I put in 253 more stitches...
This piece is definitely a reason to give up on the Bugs SAL. I never want to put it down.

Thursday -- Snowman with a Cardinal was picked. We headed down to the cabin Mom, Jeremiah, Izzy and me. I did get stitching time while watching a movie and TV in the evening with Mom...
Before and After...
Friday morning mom headed home. It was just Jeremiah, Izzy and me. It was lovely. Jeremiah and I watched a TV series on DVD called Titans. We made it through a bunch of episodes and I had stitching time on Friday's pick...Life, Liberty...
Before and After...
Saturday and Sunday ended up with no stitching time.

Cabin Life: Here is the baby Robin update...
Friday we had one tiny baby ready to be fed and one egg that hadn't hatched. But Saturday...
They were both huddled together and ready to grow. I can't wait to see how much they've grown this week when we get back down.

Dad and Fred have been working hard on the big barn on the property. We've been adding new red metal to the outside and boy it's making a huge difference...
Just that little bit on the right of the barn doors left to do. It looks amazing. Hard work but sooo worth it. We are heading back down Thursday. So I need to get this update posted, get caught up on all your blog posts, and get packed up. I've been doing laundry the whole time I've been writing up this post don't worry haha. 4th load in the washer now. Gotta love laundry it just never leaves us alone for long.

Stay healthy. Have a great week. Happy Memorial Day for all my US readers. We are going to enjoy our long weekend with friends and family at the campground what better place to celebrate.


Cathy said...

I don't blame you for giving up on the Critters SAL, especially if it's all bugs. They're are so many more fun things to stitch. Good on keeping up on your Maynia stitching.

LindaLee said...

Hello Katie my friend. Look at all the great stitching you've done! It's amazing when you realize how many other things you have to keep up with! Enjoy your getaways and the time you have with your family. Stay safe and well Katie. Love you lots. LindaLee

Anonymous said...

Stitching is supposed to make you happy, so if you're not enjoying a piece I'm all for scrapping it! Do what makes you happy. Great progress on all your other're needle must be smoking hot!! :)

Julie said...

Lots of fun times you are having.
Lots of stitching too....

Mini said...

Wow, you have a busy routine.
Don't worry about giving up on the SAL. We should stitch what brings us happiness.
I'm just saving the free designs of the SAL,will use it when specific designs are needed for swaps etc.
Good progress on all projects.
Enjoy your weekend.

Annie said...

As usual lots of lovely progress. I especially like the camping themed pieces:) Hope you have a lovely weekend in the cabin with lots of stitching time!

Rachel said...

I'm so happy that you're enjoying your version of stitchmaynia. You're certainly making good progress on so many projects. Your month end round-up will certainly be full of seaside and camping projects!
I'm also glad you've made the decision to give up or not start those projects which don't really appeal to you. This can't have been an easy decision but, like you said, you want to stitch on enjoyable projects. :)

Faith... said...

The bugs were pretty creepy looking. So glad I didn't start it. That is what I don't like about "mystery" SALs; you never know what you are going to get.

All your Mill Hills look great and you are making quite a bit of progress on them. The barn looks awesome with the red metal on it. They are doing a great job.

But awww; the robins are the cutest things ever. Thanks for posting the updates I love following them. Enjoy your cabin time; it may seems like a blur but it will be over before you know it.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

You have been busy! I liked the bugs but I would have wanted the neon colourway on black. That looked so good!

Astrids dragon said...

That doesn't sound like a bad cycle to be in!
Maybe if Nathan was younger the Critters would have been fun, but not really my thing. And mushrooms? No thanks.
Great progress on your stitching, so many wonderful pieces coming together.
Awe, look at those baby birds, so tiny! It will be fun to see them grow.
The barn looks fantastic with the new siding, it's very professional looking! What is stored in there?