Oct 31, 2022

Monday Update

Hey Readers. I've been working on the Embroidery.com half hour a day challenge. Today is the last day and boy I'm ready to work on something else haha. Anything else. Here is my Ice Monster now though...

Love how cool he is turning out. 

Well we are okay. Sometimes the emotional wave is crazy. I keep wondering if it was all a dream. Then I see signs and remember it wasn't. The sadness, happiness, guilt, loneliness, relief, etc etc that hits is so confusing. But I've talked to a bunch of people and it's all normal I guess. I've read some little books the hospital gave me. Again it says my range of emotions is normal. So that helps a lot. We talk to her. We have made a spot so when we pick up her ashes she can watch TV because that was her favorite thing in the world. 

Halloween was fun. We had a party here Saturday night. We were supposed to have our family band but everyone within 50 miles got sick at the same time. I know Jeremiah and I had our yearly sinus infection. Fred took 2 sudafed and was fine. Thursday is the surgery to remove that stubborn broken Xiphoid. I admit I am nervous about the pain but ready to get it taken care of and MOVE on. 

Have a great week. Love yourself. Love each other. Smile!


diamondc said...

Hi Katie: I think sadness and guilt are part of the healing process.
I am looking forward to seeing the Ice Monster finished.
I hope it gets easier for you and the family, so sorry you could not all get together.


Astrids dragon said...

It is a wide range of emotions for sure! It's been seven months for me and although it's better, I still think of my Mom every day.
I'm glad you're stitching, I know your Mom would love your stuff so much she'd confiscate it sometimes!
Prayers for a speedy recovery and no pain on Thursday.

Carol said...

Yes, your all-over-the-place emotions are totally normal, Katie. I smiled when I read your sentence about putting her ashes near you so can watch TV with you :)

Best wishes for your surgery tomorrow--just think how glad you'll be when it is over! Take care now ♥