Nov 27, 2023

November WIPocalypse / Nov 27th Monday Update

Finally jumping back in with WIPocalypse. Which will include my last week for my normal Monday update. Since I'm jumping back in let's just see what I focused on so far in November then hopefully December will be a normal WIPocalypse update.

First what's WIPocalypse. Measi has a blog and setup this fun blog event for us to post. The last Sunday (or as soon as we can haha) we are to post an update for the WIPocalypse and then check in our her check in post. The idea of WIPocalypse is to finish all our WIPs before the apocalypse. I think we keep the world from ending because of our piles and piles of WIPs haha. I personally use this as an excuse to keep track of what I work on each day in a journal. Then I can report what I worked on since the last check in. I have missed checking in my last post was in January this year. Let's see if I can fix that. I did see she is hosting again next year which I'm thankful for.

So what have I focused on this month??

Season 2 by Hands on Design -- 4 Days I've been doing one a month this year. I've kept up even. 

Exchange Piece for a Private Exchange -- 3 Days Finished up this fun Durene Jones Freebie to exchange...

Hello Four Seasons Fall Gnome by Soda Stitch -- 9 Days. I wanted to finish this one up before December 1st. So I focused on it till finished...

Now I have the whole set of these finished. Love them!!!

Last week I worked on 2 pieces...

Dragon Eye by Eva's Design -- 2 Days

My Semi Sane FB group had a prompt for a challenge Near or Far. Since this is a closeup on the dragon's eye I used it for near. Any progress works I added 900 stitches.

Hedgehogs in the Snow by Stoney Creek -- 3 Days Worked on this one for the weekend. Added 776 in. Didn't seem to be able to get into it this time around but least I have some progress...

Measi also gives us a fun question each month Question of the Month: What is your favorite way to finish ornaments and/or smalls? I love to make a pillow ornament type finish like the exchange piece. Then you can sit it on a shelf. Either that way or with my sewing machine and fabric on the back. In hand is always better because don't need to wait for the sewing machine to be out haha. 

Fred had the week off and it was really nice. He went deer hunting in the morning and evening each day. No luck for him this year. My dad got one opening day. Then got another same day Bev got one on Saturday. So we have 3 done up in the freezer. We do the processing ourselves. It's a lot of work but so delicious when we can use the meat all winter. My dad has a large meat grinder so we make hamburger type meat out of all we can use. Dad said he thinks we could do it on our own we have learned pretty well. Of course I'm not as good as they are at doing it haha. Just a few years of experience over me. Thanksgiving went great. We were invited over to my Grandmother's since we don't have anywhere else to be. It was a nice time with my 2 sets of Aunts/Uncles, Dad and Step Mom, and Grandparents. 

I'm madly planning my stitching. My focus for December. My focus for next year. My LOVE for stitching is just going crazy! It's so fun to be so in love with it again. I'm trying not to jump in over my head too but it's hard because I want to STITCH all the THINGS!!! Haha. 

Have a great week. Love yourself. Smile. Find your happiness. We have a fun weekend ahead. I want to switch out Fall for Christmas. I want to stitch as much as possible too haha. I need more time!!!


jocondine said...

Love your busy gnome and the two turkeys, great way to celebrate autumn. xxx

Cathy said...

Love the gnomes and your hedge hog piece. You asked me about the Magazine Monthly Cross Stitch Facebook group and their challenges. They do not have to be from magazines. I do stitch alot from magazines and mix them in with my regular wips. Carolyn Zook is one of the admins. She has a floss tube channel that does explain it. I think it was in her latest video 2024 Planning. CZookStitch on floss tube.

Rachel said...

Oh that hedgehog is so cute! What a great week of stitching again.
I've been thinking about my Dragon Eye too, but that's as far as I got! I am almost certain it will remain packed away for another year.

Carol said...

Love the November turkeys, Katie! I bought that chart, but haven't stitched anything from it yet. I also stitched the little Durene Jones deer for a gift--I love the colors in that one. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving at your Grandmother's house. Enjoy your weekend--and Happy December ♥