Dec 11, 2023

Dec 11th Monday Update

Somehow a month has happened this last week. So let's see if I can recap it all into one post. Wish me luck.

Tuesday Jeremiah woke up and said he was sick. That's what we get for having a fun weekend out. Seriously though with everything going around I'm not surprised at all. It was just a heavy ick kind of feeling so he laid around and rested. I was feeling okay so I stitched like a maniac.

5 different projects on Tuesday.

3rd Prompt for the word Stocking brought out and OLD WIP from hiding. I hadn't worked on this one since 2018!! Frosted Pumpkin Christmas Celebration Sampler...

The only reason I could think I put it away for so long it's on linen and I really dislike linen but the color is beautiful of course. So I tried it again and it's not the end of the world. Not my preference but I didn't hate it as much as I used to. Since the stocking on the M block this one worked for 101 stitches...

Next up the prompt for the 4th was Star. So back to All American by Primrose Cottage Stitches because I was ready for a star in the area I was working on 103 stitches added...

Prompt for 5th was Bell and I had no bell on any of my WIPs so I needed a penalty of 300 stitches. So I got busy on more of the December Season 2 piece for 307 stitches...

I was actually caught up with the prompts for the moment. So I switched to WIP Wrangler and did another roll of the dice. Project 15 needed 50 stitches. That's Autumn Time by New York Dreamer so out it came for 53 quick stitches added to the apple coming up on the top right...

Next dice roll was a new start Winter Line Up by The Trilogy. I was really excited about this one too. It needed 200 stitches for this roll. I added 75 before bed and 125 on Wednesday...

Best part is the Prompt for Day 6 was Snow so 100 of those stitches counted for that prompt too because the snowflakes. Love that when that happens haha! Day 7 prompt was Tree so back to Season 2 because there is a row of trees at the bottom. 409 stitches added Wednesday. No new prompt till 6pm EST so I decided to finish Season 2 before doing any more WIP Wrangler rolls. Thursday I got 418 stitches added to Season 2. Friday back at it and added 247 more stitches for a finish...

They are all finished!!! Loved each one. This one took 5 days and the whole project took 59 days to stitch. I found Jeremiah's lovely cold Friday so stitching slowed down for naps and lots of coughing. 

Guess what we had planned all weekend too? Christmas shopping. So with no time to put it off we bundled up and medicated ourselves and headed out. We went up to Fort Wayne Saturday to do some traditions we have always done. Some stores we have to hit for Christmas shopping. We found some things but not what we hoped. We did stop at a pet store and Spike got a ton so priorities haha. We cut a few stores short from the list up there and headed down to Marion for a few things. Stop at another game store which was disappointing. A new to us Buyer's Mart which is like a store that gets stuff cheap to sell that other stores don't sell. Jeremiah found some slippers which were on his Christmas list. We got dinner and headed home. 

Sunday we went to Kokomo with a few ideas of places to stop. One location was Ollie's which is another place like Buyer's Mart. They resell other shops items for real cheap prices. We had planned on stopping Saturday in Fort Wayne but pushed it off because of being more sick. This is a never know what you will find kind of place. We pulled in for our first time to visit here and realized there was an adorable flea market setup next door. So of course we giggled because mom LOVED her flea markets. We walked through it and had a blast together. It was meant to be. Jeremiah just kept giggling. Boy she sent us here didn't she. I found some cute little zipper bags. Fred found some cute gnomes that are ornery for his display area of the cabin. We walked into the Ollie's and it's a million times nicer than then one in Fort Wayne. Kept up and clean. The people were nice too. We found a few more things we didn't need haha. We also found a new to us used game store like the one we loved in Michigan City. Jeremiah was happy but because he bought out the one in Michigan City he didn't find much more this time. Then we went to the mall in Kokomo again another thing we pushed from doing in Fort Wayne because they keep having shootings. 2 in the this last 6 months. Crazy. The Kokomo mall was smaller but had the exact stores we liked to look at. So we laughed and just agreed we were making new traditions all day long. Jeremiah had one stubborn game left on his wishlist for Christmas that we just couldn't find. Quick stop in same parking lot at a Best Buy and it was finally purchased. 

I kept picking on him about not even bothering to wake up Christmas morning. But now he finally can. Now I just have to talk with Santa about wrapping everything. Then we will see what shows up Christmas morning under our little tree. Now I'm finally excited. We have a few odds and ends to grab at Walmart but I can finally relax a little. Christmas will be perfect just like always I bet. Funny how no matter how much we try we still stress about making it perfect. 

So now I'm doing a lot better. My muscles hurt from coughing but luckily the coughing comes far apart now. My ears ache but stitching should be soothing. Fred is off to work and feeling okay. Jeremiah is playing Xbox again. So life might just continue haha. 

I'm 4 prompts and a million rolls behind. What will be will be. These are fun motivating stitching challenges and I'm not stressing. I will enjoy my stitching time. Once I get off this computer.

One last thing. A major health issue is happening with a close family member. We are keeping it quiet on social media. She was diagnosed with Leukemia and it's very very scary. If you can spare any well thoughts or prayers please do. I think I'm trying to keep my mind off of it because the fear of the unknown is so scary. I don't know much about leukemia but I know enough to be scared and very worried for her. 

Have a wonderful week. Love yourself. Love each other. Hug as many loved ones as you can. Life is too short so enjoy it as much as possible. Find reasons to smile.


Faith... said...

You ain't kidding, it is like time is flying by!

I'm a little confused, I see the stocking on the M block but do you have to actually stitch the stocking or just the piece with a stocking on it? Thanks! I love that one penguin that looks like he might be the class clown!

Sounds like Santa got his shopping finished for your house so maybe you can relax a bit because we don't want a relapse of whatever is going around.

I am praying and hoping the doctors are letting everyone know what the details are about what is going on. I wish I knew more about Leukemia so I could share with you but sorry, I don't.

Hope you area ll caught up on the stitchy front!

Rachel said...

Crumbs, I haven't seen a Frosted Pumpkin on a blog for ages. Love that it's come out again for Christmas. You're very obviously enjoying your December Challenges and making great progress, so I hope that continues.
Well, you all had a full-on week, didn't you! Hope everyone is feeling better, and of course, best wishes are flying across the Pond for you and your loved one.