Apr 15, 2024

Apr 15th Monday Update

 Hey peeps. Thanks for stopping by. I've noticed readers are way down but that's okay I'm doing this for myself and anyone who happens to stop by. Welcome to my little journal on my stitching life. Flosstube has taken over but I still love the old fashioned letter to my stitching buddies. So let's see what I've been up to last week.

Monday I worked on Autumn Time by New York Dreamer...
I'm on Day 9 on it now. I'm using 32ct Vintage Country Mocha for these and I just love the way they are turning out. I have this one and Summer left to do.
Tuesday I had a 3 project day. First up I finished my 225 total on Autumn Time real quick. Just needed 54 more stitches. Then I worked on Spring Line Up by The Trilogy...
I'm at Day 3 on this one. Using 32ct Lambswool Jobelan for these. I'm planning on hopefully 1 day a week with the goal to have this one finished before June 1st for a challenge. I added 107 for this week and put it down.
Last for Tuesday was Thanks to the Brave by Erica Michaels. I keep this one loaded on my small Q-Snap so I can just easily pick it up and add some stitches...
I added 870. Added the words this time in the 2nd section. They go pretty quickly if I can get my eyes to focus on the 40ct silk gauze haha. 
Wednesday I worked on Winter 2024 SAL from Stitchonomy. It was a 6 week mystery SAL but has now been released. Just trying to work on it at least one day a week. I bought the complete kit from her for my first time. It's a 14ct Riveria Aida 378 stitches added...
Thursday and Friday were Beer Dragon by Paine Free Crafts. I don't know what was going on with this one. I got it out at retreat and just couldn't focus. It's a confetti high area but normally that's not a problem. Thursday I was still struggling. Only added 179. Then I finally got past the area I was working on. Friday I got 332 so I'm past whatever was bothering me at least...
80 days now on this one. 32ct Lambswool 1 thread over 2 complete X. Must have been that yellow part of his wing that drove me crazy. Red part is a lot better. Who knows haha.
Saturday Fred took me up to Fort Wayne. Janet from Janet Jabber Flosstube had a get together to stitch at the LNS up there. Started at 9:30 and I stayed till about 12:30. I took Colorful Eagle by Kitty & Me since he's really easy to work on. Added 180 to him while chatting and having a blast...
I love how mean he looks. Don't blame him with everything going on in the world. He is on 32ct Silver Moon Lugana. More on my fun time in a minute.
Sunday I worked on Thanks to the Brave again when I finally sat down. Added a wonderful 974 since I was just working on the white background for the 2nd section...
Now that the stitching part is done let me tell you about my fun weekend. Two of my friends Annette and her sister Janet that I mentioned about above gave me some lovely things when I attended Saturday...
Annette gave me a big piece of 40ct evenweave because I really want to try it. She also gave me the Autumn Quaker which is what caused my Primrose binge lately haha. The threads go to some of the pattern Janet gifted me and I can't wait to kit the patterns up and get started. So thankful for great friends. It was a fun time. Another thing while at a stitching store you must buy something right? So I got several pieces of fabric for my pile of projects waiting nearby screaming to be started and yep another project of course haha...
Here is a close up. Look at those adorable patriotic gnomes! I saw the pattern last time I was there at the store but needed to make sure I didn't have it. So I told myself if it was there still it was a sign. I grabbed it. So cute!! Yep another set of 6 things I need to stitch right away haha.
My laptop has been acting up for a long long time now. But I was squeezing as much time as I could out of it. Fred said we could run by the computer store after he picked me up from the stitching store to see if they had anything at the right price. I found the perfect for me laptop just sitting there...
It's used by in fantastic shape. Dell Latitude with Windows 11. My old laptop was not going to be able to upgrade and next year October is the deadline. It's lightning fast compared to my old one. I keep getting surprised by everything I now realize I was really struggling with. So I'm one happy happy girl.  I also got a call while we were up there. Dad and Bev and some others were hanging out at the campground. So we headed back and got carry out food for everyone and had a lovely dinner and had a nice visit. The weather was beautiful finally. 
Bev is doing pretty good other than her vision just isn't coming back. That's hard for her. But she is doing great in physical therapy and her bloodwork has been staying good enough to not worry about treatment right now. So we are enjoying our days not in the hospital! Sunday Fred was able to focus on getting a good mow. We've been getting so much rain lately it's been hard to mow it all at once. Now it just looks beautiful. I had fun playing on my new laptop and getting it all setup the way I want it. I LOVE IT!!!

A new week. Make it a great one. We have some more rain coming so hopefully I'll get good stitching time. Smile. Love yourself.


Astrids dragon said...

Oh yes, keep on blogging! I know I get behind, but Instagram keeps me up to date on your stitching too.
I love Autumn Time, my favourite time of year.
You are really working on all seasons, they are coming along beautifully.
Beer Dragon probably isn't the best retreat piece, talking with others is much more important that concentrating!😉
Another stitching get-together, lucky you! That's such a beautiful piece you worked on there.
It's always fun to be gifted stitching, and you certainly need more fabric to go with your newest goodies. Those gnomes are adorable.
A new laptop is always a good thing, nice that you could get it the same day.
More family time, enjoy it! I'm glad to hear Bev is doing better in spite of everything.

DJ said...

What a lovely assortment of projects you are working on! I am like you (in a way) and love patriotic pieces. (How can I not love them being married to a soldier who is now retired for almost 40 years?) They all look fabulous, by the way! I have the Stitchonomy SAL in my stash as well...I should pull that out too. You are an inspiration! Happy Stitching!

Faith... said...

I agree with Astrid. I am way behind on reading but I do see your updates! So never stop writing because I will be here sooner or later! I enjoy all your monthly and seasonal pieces that you stitch up. The Line Ups are super cute! I am so impressed on how you can keep up with everything. I just love your Gnomes and what great friends you have! I think the Gnomes were a pretty good sign for you! And a new computer too, what an extra lucky day that was for you!