Apr 22, 2024

Apr 22nd Monday Update

 Hello to my blog readers. I hope this reaches you on a good day and things are going well for you. Let's see what I worked on last week.

I was in a weird for me mood. Not wanting to change projects. I decided I wanted to finish another one of the Jim Shore Mill Hill gnomes. Remember this set?
Monday I started the one in the middle on the top. Evergreen Gnome. Friday I put the last stitches in...
(10) April 19th
Evergreen Gnome
from Jim Shore Mill Hill Kits Set of 6
Released in 2023
Stitched on Perforated Paper
Using Kit Threads and Beads
Started Apr 15th. Took 5 Days.
1,442 Total Stitches (without counting backstitching).

So I have 3 finished now...
It's funny when you finish something you wanted to. I felt sad. Like what to work on now? LOL I mean come on I have noooo projects screaming for attention....sure haha. Then this project won the loudest for the weekend which happened to be IHSW (International Hermit Stitch Weekend). I added 301 Friday, 475 Saturday, and 520 on Sunday. Did pretty good even with a lot of fun over the weekend...
I am at Day 16 on this one now. Funny thing is I didn't realize it was a Primrose Cottage piece too. I have reached the bottom right now. So just that bottom section to do. This is definitely wanting to be finished soon too. It's stitched on 25ct Vintage Country Mocha. I started it in Sept 2022 after some retail therapy. 
So I keep all my screaming to be started patterns in a project envelope and boy they have been yelling loudly. But when I open it I get very overwhelmed and just zip it shut. I can't pick out which one is screaming loudest it's just a very very loud roar. So I just kept trying and nope couldn't do it. So I begged my 2nd brain for help. Jeremiah is fantastic when it comes to this. He was really cute though because even he loved so many it made the choice hard. I was like See?? So looking at May it's my birthday month. There happen to be 5 Wednesdays in May. Plus Maynia for a lot of people. So how about 5 new starts? So we narrowed it down to these...
This one was from Janet in a set of 4. I really wanted this one added.
Lady Liberty was available at my retreat this March. I knew I had to have it. 
My little patriotic kiddo picked it of course.
Then he picked this one because being Irish.
Another no brainer here. I figured he would want this one pretty quickly.
I was surprised he picked this one. But he just loves our dog. Right now I'm planning on doing the two in the top. The bottom one might be done later but not my favorite of the 3.
As I was zipping the envelop closed this one jumped out too...
I mean come on. How could they not??? They are too cute. 
So I got busy looking for fabric. I used all the new fabric I had bought while at the stitch day except one piece haha. So I did good. I did order some special threads and one piece of fabric. I wanted the Gloriana silks for the Lady Liberty piece. It will be gorgeous in those. So I figured I would get a special cut of fabric for it too. 32ct white evenweave. I will do it over one then so I can make the threads last longer. Then I bought 1 each of the special threads for the Luminous Fiber set of 4. Janet gave me the threads that she had leftover for The Mandalorian and the set of 4 which was so kind. But they suggested having some extra for the Gathering series so I bought some extra to have on hand. So anyway all the fabric is ready to go. Fred made me working copies at his work. Now just to get the threads ready. That's the easier part haha. Least the screaming has stopped.....for now. Of course all these are screaming. I did get smart and download that tiny decisions app. Jeremiah is happy so I will stop blaming him for picking the wrong one to start first. As of this moment I plan on starting one each Wednesday in May. Fingers crossed. The bottom gnomes will just have to be started before May since they fell out of the bag haha.

I've also decided to start keeping track of my projects on Google Keep. It's everything I wanted in a logging type journal but now I have to get it all setup haha. Oh well it will be nice to have a lot of record keeping in one place. Mostly like what fabric and start dates type info. Least it works fantastic on my new laptop haha.

We had a lovely weekend here at the campground. Dad, Bev, and some other friends and family were here. Weather was chilly but we still had a nice time. Dad and Fred tag teamed mowed. It definitely went fast that way. We did some other things here and there. Neighbors stopped over on the way to a tenderloin and fish fry meal at a local church so we decided to go pick up tenderloins and fish for everyone. Then we separated. We watched some movies together in the evening. Sunday we all gathered again. Got a few more things done and said Byes. It was a lovely time and a great reminder of how fantastic life is. 

The Chicago cancer docs that is helping with Bev's care decided it was worth suggesting more chemo treatment. Their worry is right now nothing is being taken care of so nothing is stopping it from coming back hard. Bev said right away why go this far and not take every chance to fight it. So today she went back in for another round. It's very scary. First round caused strokes. 2nd round caused seizures and brain swelling. So we are scared to death but Bev's right. It's her only real chance of beating it. So why not take a chance. She is the luckiest person I know so if anyone can beat this it's her but of course we are scared. Also found out my mom's brother passed away this morning. I'm glad he isn't suffering any longer but my cousin is having a hard time. So much sadness in the world. Just trying to do our best to enjoy every day. That's the definite reminder. 

I'm off to get some stuff done and STITCH. Love yourself. Find reasons to smile. Live everyday like it's your last. Thanks for reading this far.


Mary said...

I just love your Christmas Gnome. I can understand the need to stitch them all; it is hard to just pick one. I was going to try to start at least 3-5 new projects. I have 3 picked out ready to go as a sort of Maynia SAL. I did that last year too. I will have to look into Google Keep, thanks for the suggestion. Your new projects look really fun and I can't wait to see updates on your progress.

DJ said...

Aww your gnomes are wonderful! So cute!! I'm at the same point of picking my next project. I thought I had one in mind, but another one started screaming...what to do? It will be fun watching your May stitches and challenges! Good thing you have a second brain to help you out. So sorry to hear about Bev. I'll be praying for her and the rest of your family. Cancer doesn't just affect the person who has it. Hang in there. *Hugs*

Terri said...

I love all of your stitching! And I love reading about your life and how things are going for you and your family. I hope this round of chemo doesn't make her as sick as previous treatments. Take care!~~

Carol said...

Your latest gnome is darling, Katie! I used to love gnomes when I was first married (almost 50 years ago!). There is just something about them that makes me smile :)

Lots of great projects hopped out of your bag--enjoy! That is nice that Jeremiah can help you with your choices. Sure hope the new chemo helps Bev and that she doesn't have those horrible side effects this time. Take care now and hope you are expecting a sunny weekend ♥

Faith... said...

All the Gnomes look great!! I so glad you managed to scrounge a project up from somewhere! HaHa Glad you and Jeremiah managed to tame those projects and find five to stitch but I am really happy that the Gmones manages to get out. I mean there are six of them so I am sure they bullied their way out and past that zipper!

I love that app and it helps so much when you can't make up your mind!

Glad you guys had a good weekend with family and friends. Sorry about the loss your Uncle. I really hope this doctor is on top of his game and will help Bev beat the C word.