Jul 15, 2024

Jul 15th Monday Update - Finished Mill Hill

 It's a HOT Monday here in Indiana after a HOT weekend. I was luckily able to hide inside the AC and get a lot of stitching done last week. Let's see on what...

Monday was a no stitch day. Computer work. Laundry. Groceries won the day. 

Tuesday I started the next Zodiac Mill Hill kit for Fred added 857 stitches. Pisces. Wednesday I added 606. Thursday I put in the final 154 stitches...

Finish #21
From 2018 Mill Hill Kits
Stitched on Perforated Paper
Using Kit Threads and Beads
Started July 9th, 2024. Took 3 Days.
1,617 Total Stitches.

 After finishing that up I picked up Beer Dragon. Time for the monthly 500 stitches. I added 68 Thursday, 301 Friday, 139 Saturday, and 523 Sunday. So a total of 1,031. I finished page 5 and got a little start on the 6th page which is the last page in this row of pages.

So this is the farthest right side now. Wohoo!!!

Saturday against all my whining we had a day out haha. I really notice I've been enjoying hermit life more and more. I run out to get groceries or do laundry but am really really happy to return home and hide. The real world is just crazy! But I don't want to enjoy having a good time. So we woke up Saturday and went to our local farmer's market. I had heard about it and we've been talking about going since we moved here. But something always seems to come up. Spike is even allowed. It was hot but it was a really nice time. We will definitely be back later when it cools down. We went to get hair cuts. Then we came back home so Fred could mow the grass. The forecast was rain and HOT so he wanted to do it before all that. 

When he was done we all loaded up again and headed to the cigar bar. They were having a BBQ food truck that we liked. So we went and visited with our friends and ate ourselves miserable. The heat won though and we left before too long. Bev was released from the hospital and they were on the way to visit my Grandpa so we headed over there. Hospice has been called in now for the making him comfortable. He needs a surgery that they can't do because his age and how bad his health is. So unfortunately we will lose him soon. He is my last Grandpa. I'm his oldest grandchild so have always joked about being number one and he would just smile. Then Jeremiah is the oldest great grandchild. So we knew we were the favorites. He was awake enough to ask me for a big hug. He was glad to see Jeremiah and said There's my man. It was emotional but I'm glad we were able to say Bye. Now it's a waiting game. Right now my family is doing okay. I think my Grandma is in denial she keeps talking about when he's better. Dad is handling it well. Sadly they had a very hard relationship most of my dad's life.

Sunday I got to do something I've always wanted to do...

I've been researching zucchini recipes since we have so many from our garden. I seen a zucchini muffin you could do in the air fryer. I've never made muffins before but I've always wanted to. So I made the first 6. I was yelling and smiling the whole time. My first muffins with my zucchini out of our little garden. Then I tasted them.....THEY WERE DELICIOUS!!! So that made it even better haha. I will definitely be making more of these as soon as it's not 300 degrees outside haha. Guess I could just bake them without the air fryer haha.

Plans. This week there is a Christmas in July challenge. I need 500 on a Christmas themed piece. I picked Christmas Celebration Sampler from Frosted Pumpkin so I'm excited to work on it. This coming weekend is IHSW. I don't know if we are doing anything or not. We did lose at least one tree in all the storms we've been having. I haven't walked the whole property but I'm sure there are more. So we will see if we end up doing work or not. If not....stitching time haha.

Have a great week. Love yourself. Hug your loved ones. Find any reason you can to smile.


diamondc said...

Hi Katie: Sounds like you are very much like me, I am a homebody, we traveled so much while we were working for vacations, plus I worked a five state area five days a week, it feels good to hide inside with needle thread and fabric.
What a blessing Bev is going home, will keep her and you all in our daily Prayers, it also sounds like your grandfather is a real
trooper, I pray he has an easy transition into the Lords arms.
Your muffins look yummy.


Carol said...

I find that I'm also turning into a hermit, Katie--I'm much happier at home than anywhere else : ) I always thought it was my age, but you are much younger than I am--ha ha! Losing your last grandparent is so sad. My last one died 30 years ago and I still miss her. It's wonderful that you had him nearby and that he got to know your son. Hope your pretty stitching can bring you some comfort at this time. Sending hugs! ♥

Faith... said...

Congrats on your finish! I love that color of floss. You got a lot stitched on Beer Dragon. I love a good farmer's market, sounds like your Saturday turned out pretty good though!

Super happy about Bev! Is she finished with everything concerning the cancer now? But on the other hand I am very sad about your Grandparents. I hope your Grandpa is comfortable during these last days. I am glad that you guys got to go and visit him for a little bit.

The muffins look yummy.
Until the next time... be careful, take care and enjoy yourself.