Aug 26, 2024

Aug 26th Monday Update

We are off on another mini trip today but wanted to get my update in before we head out. Let's see what I worked on last week...

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday seemed to blend into one long day. I worked on Yggdrasil by Paine Free Crafts. I ended up with 340 added 

Monday was Dashgo call 13 of 23 Too Heavy to Life Above your Head. Yggdrasil definitely worked for that. 14 was Cow and I have no WIPs with cows so just kept plugging away on Yggdrasil another day.

Thursday I worked on Enchanted Pumpkin Mill Hill Kit and added 255...

Friday call 15 was Bow & Arrow and again no WIP with that so I worked on Forever in Peace by Sweet Wing Studio. Added 381...

Saturday was a busy day. Sunday Dashgo 16 was Sampler. I have one piece with sampler in the title Christmas Celebration Sampler by Frosted Pumpkin so I added 300 to it...

Thursday a friend brought their camper over to stay for the weekend. Two stitching friends and one of their hubby's. It was a wonderful time. Friday the 3 of us girls went on a road trip to Noblesville, Indiana little more than an hour away to a stitching store called Always in Stitches. For all those who know me know how much I needed more projects. So I knew I wanted a piece of fabric to replace a kit Aida piece. Here is my haul...

4 new projects anyway haha. I just LOVE the saying on the Sweet Wing Studio. So perfect. The dark fabric is for the Mason Jar Lineup Dimension kit I got at the stash sale. I think it will look just gorgeous on the darker fabric. The top fabric is 32ct Vintage Country Mocha which I like to use on a lot of pieces including the new Halloween Quaker at the bottom so I bought threads so I could start this one pretty soon. The Quaker and the Mason Jar lineup are sure yelling loudly for attention so watch for that soon I'm sure haha. Like I need new starts haha. In the evening we sat on our deck and stitched. It was a lovely visit...

Saturday we did up 115 more freezer bags of corn. The girls had fun helping and each got some corn as a reward of course. They have already said they would like to do this again next year so I'm very glad to hear that. 

Well I need to get off this computer and finish getting ready. I'll update you on all our fun next Monday. Have a great week. Love yourself. Smile as often as possible.


diamondc said...

Katie: Sounds like you had a blast, congratulations on the progress on all your stitching, having friends to stitch with makes getting more stitching done.
I am freezing corn for winter consumption.
Oh my love your new stash.


Astrids dragon said...

You've certainly been busy with your stitching, so much progress and of course, all looking good!
It's always nice to stitch with friends, I'm glad you had a good time together. Including the corn!