Sep 3, 2024

Monthly Goals

Quick recap of August and talk about September plans.

I completed all my August goals...

Monthly Stats:
9,690 Stitches
2 Starts 
2 Finishes
12 Different Projects
This month I have a few more calls for Dashgo...
20 have been called so 3 left. I have done okay but not perfect by any means which is okay with me. 11 squares finished and 9 not done so I guess I'm doing better than not haha. I've enjoyed it a lot and that's what matters. September has a new bingo but this one is letters...


Just need to plug a project into the letter called. So X was first. I used Christmas aka Xmas Celebration Sampler. 2nd was I I used Irish Blessing. Today is Q and I'm using Canine Quotes. Just 100 needed to claim the letter as complete so that's great. Prizes available for several different things at the end of the game. Plus ends the 25th so you have make up days till the 30th. I also have my monthly acrostic...

Fandom is having this fun for September...

I'm doing Option C. Using Christmas Celebration and Winter SAL from Stitchonomy. So hopefully I can work in some progress on those through the month.

I have a few starts planned as always haha...

Freedom from Hinzeit is from the pile I planned ahead of this year for monthly mix up. I think the Mason Jar Lineup from Dimensions will find it's way to started and also Halloween Quaker from Primrose. We'll see what else you know me haha. Let's have a great September. Hoping for things to SLOW down. Plus for the weather to cool down. Beautiful today. Windows open and even have long pants on. Finally!!!

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