Mar 4, 2019

Monday Update

What a long weekend. But it's Monday and here I am with an update. Saturday we attended my god mother's father's calling. It was hard but we were glad to be there to support her. Sunday we attended the funeral. It ended up being long hard days mentally but we were again just glad to support her. She needed it that's for sure. He isn't in pain any more but still a hard loss of course. After the funeral Sunday mom drove us by the cabin. She hadn't seen the new pond in person. Pictures just doesn't do it justice so she was really glad to see it herself.

I did squeeze in stitching on the March Nautical piece for mom over the weekend. Last night I almost was able to get it finished all that's left is the backstitching border on the back panel...
So hopefully I'll have that finished up soon and get started on the Lizzie Kate March piece for my side of the house.

This week we are going to start to un-winter the house. We still have all our snowman out. Of course I guess with it being a very cold 12 degrees out right now with a wind chill of -3 they still fit in. We are ready to get the Spring cleaning started though. Maybe that will encourage the temperatures a little bit. Responsibilities will take away from stitching time but they just demand on getting done don't they? Hopefully I can find some extra energy to get the job done quickly.

I hope everyone reading this has a great week.


Faith... said...

Sorry for your loss Katie.

Maybe when you unwinter the house, the weather will follow suit! It seems to be hanging on for a long time though I know it is just winter as usual. The Nautical piece looks great, glad you we able to squeezed in some time for yourself.

Astrids dragon said...

It was nice that you were able to be there for your godfather's gathering, I'm sure it wasn't easy.
March looks great for your Mom, I hope you start your piece soon!
I still have my snowman and village out, I think we'll still get some more snow before spring, so that's my excuse!

Rachel said...

Ah spring - my second favourite season when I can open the windows, let fresh air and warm sunshine fill the house and get motivated to 'do stuff' (not to mention drying the washing outside again!) Knowing the UK though we'll get snow next week!! Good luck with your un-wintering.
Your stitching looks good and I expect your mum is eagerly awaiting its finish! Then it'll be on to your stitching... yay! :)

Meari said...

Congrats on another adorable finish, Katie. I enjoy seeing your progress on these.

I'm SO ready for spring. The sun is shining today, but it's very deceiving. Our weather is like yours... VERY COLD!

Janet said...

So sorry for your loss. Glad you were able to stop by your happy place. I am also ready for the cold tundra to go away